Chapter Five: Confessions

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The jungle is a bad place, really bad place, Diane was taught that when she was a little girl, to fear predators, kinda ironic really since she was once a predator. The two made their way towards the Rainforest District.

Across a bridge looking ready to break, this reminded Diane of her police academy years and the many challenges she had to face. But there was no time to think about the past, lives are at sake and her and Wolf have only fifteen hours left.

The door was made out of bamboo, slowly, Wolf knocked on the door, it was a few minutes before the door creaked open, though the door wasn't all the way open, Diane could see the many scars on his face.

"Manchas, we just wanna speak about Emmitt Otterton." Diane spoke in a soft voice, making Manchas growl at her from behind the door.

"Emmitt? He went savage on me two weeks ago!" His voice breaking as he spoke, Diane was confused, went savage? A otter can't go savage... right? It was just something she wasn't used to hearing.

"What do you mean savage? Like real savage?" Wolf asked, writing all the information down like a real cop, Diane eyed him taking in all his features, he was attractive. But even more attractive in the rain.

"Yes! He went crazy."

Two weeks ago...

Manchas was told by his boss Mr.Shark to pick up Emmitt Otterton for some important business, he thought nothing of it; besides this was his job. Bring people to the boss and get paid, not questions asked.

But this time it was different, Emmitt was acting different; on the way to the storage unit Manchas  heard Emmitt growl. Like literal growl like a wild animal.

"Emmitt... you alright?" Manchas asked concerned, his eyes trailed to the mini mirror where he seen Emmitt destroying the seats of his car, the otter looked up at Manchas and attacked. Causing him to loose control of the wheel.

Blood was spilled, as Manchas desperately tried to gain control of the wheel again, but Emmitt had the upper hand; it was like something infected him. A new virus? No it couldn't have been since Manchas hadn't heard of one that week.

Finally, somehow Manchas managed to get control of the wheel; but by that time it was too late, they had already crashed into a tree and a ditch. Then Manchas seen it, a figure; before he could see who it ran off into the darkness.


"He popped my eyeball out and broke my ankle, I don't even know why." That was the end of Machas's tale; but Diane thought it wasn't the end of the story. He had to know something, who was the figure?

"Manchas, can you please let us in?" She asked, Manchas thought for a moment but then slowly backed away from the door; but then it happened. An arrow grazed his neck and caused him to hit the ground.

It was a few minutes and Manchas still hadn't opened the door, Diane was starting to get worried; Wolf slowly peeked through the door and seen Manchas- or the wild side of him glaring at the duo.

"What?" Diane asked when he saw Wolf's face go pale, she peeked and seen it too. Her eyes widened grabbing Wolf's hand and ran across the bridge with Manchas after them. It was clear he wanted their blood.

"This is what Shark meant when he said they went savage!" Wolf yelled, letting go of Diane's hand; just in case if they needed to separate or one of them didn't make it out alive. The two slid underneath a ditch which made just enough time for Diane to call the front desk at the police department.

"BENJAMIN, SEND BACK-UP IMMEDIATELY; WE'RE AT THE RAINFOREST DISTRICT! CODE RED!" Diane yelled, placing her phone in her pocket; Manchas growled. That signaled he was getting close.

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