Chapter 17-Accidental Confession

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Tubbo's POV
(TW: Swearing)

Taking Wilbur home felt like forever, getting him to wear the spring plus signing him out was the most irritating thing I had ever done. But now I got to enjoy the almost torture of sitting in the back seat with my head resting against the window while my mind repeatedly wandered the subject of Ranboo. The streets were busy and the drive was quiet, no one talked, moved, complained or anything that involved some sort of audible noise. Tommy drove calmly as he repeatedly hit his head back on the head rest so obviously he wasn't settled into the silence either. Wilbur slept soundlessly, his head rested forward and hit against the window. I on the other hand pondered my endless circle of thoughts. I had decided in the hospital that I wasn't ready to go to my own home yet so I went home with them. By now, we had been home for about 20 minutes before a big long talk broke loose between the brothers and Tommy was called on his shit attitude at the hospital by Wilbur. He claimed that it was out of sadness and not anger. Wilbur accepted the explanation but it sounded like bullshit to me. After that we did more and more meaningless talking. Now I was pacing around mindlessly, not knowing what to do with myself. I was worried about my...friend.


"I claim you're being ridiculous." Tom scoffed with annoyance reflecting off his tone. I glimpsed up at him as he crossed his arms and propped his feet on the smooth cedar coffee table only a foot or two apart from the couch. I froze in the middle of the room that was covered by a short and soft carpet. I tilted my head dramatically, sending a chilling glare in his direction.
"Says you! You are the reason he left the hospital in the first place." I snapped back, flailing my arms in the air dramatically. I slammed my head into the palms of my hands, groaning angrily under my breath and pitching my eyes shut so hard I felt a tear roll down my cheek. What the hell am I doing?
"Oh piss off, I was mad at him and he'll get over it." The blonde retorted coldly with a scowl. I lifted my light blue gaze slowly, dropping my arms to my sides. I saw Wil huff and cup his bruised hand over his eyes to the best of his abilities. The pair of actions indicated I wasn't the only one who noticed how much stupidity that entire comment held.
"You two are not helping with this whole 'care for your..friends' thing." I frowned in a mumbling, if not whispering tone. I proceed to then throw my tired and shimpy body down in the soft, cushiony black lounge chair next to the fireplace. It had a pillow on it and a cozy forest green blanket draped over the right arm. The warm heat radiating from the fire within the fireplace off to my left was heating me up rather quickly. All three of us fell into an ocean of silence before footprints were heard slowly thudding down the short hallway across the room. I looked up out of curiosity, not remembering who else the two brothers lived with. Soon enough, their oldest brother Technoblade appeared from the hallway; sort of behind the staircase. The long haired male looked up from his historical fiction novel, stopping in his tracks as he lifted his head. His bright pink hair was pulled in a loose and thick braid draped over his shoulder whilst he wore a gray robe with a hood.
"Do I want to know what the hell is going on down here?" Technoblade questioned rather bluntly while tipping his reading glasses down his nose. I would be fibbing if I said his blood red eyes didn't sort of scare the shit out of me.
"Tubbo's just dwelling over a friend." Wilbur answered his brother calmly. I felt the word friend burn my throat, causing me to look at the floor. Just like that the older one snapped his book shut, practically losing his spot within the pages and pried his glasses off his face. I shot my gaze back and watched him confusedly while he leaned on the railing of the creaky oak stairs.
"Do you all know this..friend?" He asked us, even making Wilbur lift his head out of his palm with a confused expression. I scrunched up my nose. What an odd thing to hear from someone like him.
"Yes," I responded, dragging out the yes while I sat myself up and scooted to the edge of the chair.
"Do you like this friend?"
"Have you talked to him in the last 24 hours?"
"Well sort of."
"Is he gay?"
"..I..think so?"
"Do you know where he lives?"
"Go pay him a visit. Relationships don't get anywhere with no communication." Techno told me through a deep exhale. I froze and swallowed, realizing what he was indicating and that Wilbur and Tom had picked up on it too. I ripped my shocked gaze away from Techno and met Tommy's almost angry eyes which were seemingly already locked on me intently. The quietness returned but it was uncomfortable and too quiet. Only the sounds of Wilbur shifting his weight and the fire crackling rang throughout the room(s). I tried to focus on the faint noises of traffic outside as a way to calm down but the loudness of my head was getting in the way. I saw Wilbur lift his unharmed hand shakily in my direction, his index finger pointing at me.
"Tubbo..whose sweater is that." Wilbur hissed in an interrogating way. My breath hitched, as I remained silent. Fuck. I forgot to change my sweater in Ranboo's car. How could I be so stupid. I mentally winced, now aware of what rabbit hole I fell into.
"I feel I brought up something I shouldn't have." Techno's dark tone hummed in the background but was ignored by us all.
"It's..Uhm, one of my newer ones." I lied through my teeth, hunching my shoulders. God, I'm pathetic. To my luckiness..they didn't buy it.
"I'm not fucking stupid, Tubbo. Where were you last night? How did you get there with no car, the hospital is 20 minutes away from your house." Wil snarled in a hostile manner, making me flinch back an inch. Well, it was either his tone or Tom's glare, either way, I hated it. I tried to maintain my remaining calmness but it was counting down faster than the seconds left on the span of my life. Which might be ending tonight at this rate.
"I should have known, Both of you showing up without me even calling him..the weird attitude..the sticking up for you.." Tommy began to mumble eerily. I inhaled sharply but quietly as his ocean blue eyes lifted to meet my gaze. "He was the one you were talking to on the phone."
"I have no clue what you're talking about." Wilbur groaned tiredly, confused but not bothered enough to find out the answers. Tom looked unimpressed, disappointed if you will. The glare upon his face was getting hard to comprehend, making me want to wiggle out of the grasp it held on me.
"Maybe you don't, but Tubbo sure does."

Hey guys! So so so sorry, I have no motivation for this story lately and have actually been working on a different idea. So updates will be a lot slower. Just finished watching s3 if TUA and omfg 💀☂️ Anyways please take care of yourself and I'm sorry about the updates

Have a good night/day!!<3

-San :)

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