Book of Nightmares Vol. 3

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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Book of Nightmares: Volume 3: Apocalypse: Final Edit

Book of Nightmares: Volume Three: Apocalypse    

By: Heme O’ Globin


Welcome. This world you are about to enter is a world from my nightmares during the years of 1997 to 2005. I am telling this story as it was told to me in my dreams. I had to repeat each dream until the main character survived. Sometimes I was the main character, sometimes I was the omniscient third person. As such, I know what the main character sees and feels, as well as the supporting characters.

The premise of this world is that it was created when a nation’s technology evolved quicker than its ability to reason. In this nightmare, this world can only be helped if people are willing to open or expand their minds. If you hear but do not listen, if you touch but do not feel, if you see but do not understand, the thoughts of this novel will pass through you like a harsh winter’s wind through a loosely threaded shirt. With an open heart, I invite you to read my story.

Chapter 1: Coming to Pass

Beginning Quote: “If heroes live long enough, they can become the villain, but can the villain live long enough to become the hero?”

A strong well boxed man with strong facial features and auburn hair walks alone, waiting for Father Time to pass so that he might escape his well-deserved limbo. As he paces through the maze-like marble limbo, he looks at the garden that is always out of reach. A voice breaks the sound of his echoing footsteps. He hears:

“Timmy of Time, I need, I mean WE need you.  Please, come quickly!” a very young woman named Naida Sophia Lane calls out to her much older Timmy of Time.

“Good thing she corrected herself.  She should know by now that I only return to the mortal world when the MASSES need me. Gone are the days where I can charismatically help the individual,” Timmy half mumbles half thinks to himself.

Spinning quickly with volition and his mind’s eye on the destination he bends time and space to answer the cries of the many.  He follows the cries of people living and dead. Through this corridor of pain Timmy of Time is able to speedily transport his corporeal form. He arrives with a thunderous boom.

“Oh goodness!” the young woman with long wavy auburn hair exclaims with much surprise, “I am still getting used to you teleporting from limbo so loudly.  Must you do that so close to me?”

“I will always land next to the person who summoned me. With me arriving to help you so many times, I thought you’d be used to it by now. I do this out of love for your dearly departed mother. Lucky for you that I loved your mother enough to abide by her dying wish to grant you rule over this domain. Why I listen to the dead and help you as much as I do is not healthy for people’s trust,” Timmy of Time states with great annoyance adding, “I do not wish to hear my people suffer.  I did not fight and die so many times to hear them cry.  You have yet to prove yourself in the way my other domain leaders have proven themselves.  Your mother had great belief in you and I am yet to see it [he pauses to think how great a potential her energy feels emanating from her] Do I make myself clear?”

Taken aback she says, “Yes, sir.”

“Don’t Call Me Sir,” he barks. They wonder through the desert town full of people staring at the matriarch of the region and the dead uniter of the world. “So many years have passed since I was at this particular town,” thinks Timmy of Time.

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