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"Jungwon, just sit here" I helped Jungwon sit on the couch. I was about to go get him a glass of water but Jungwon pulled me back by my waist. "Please...don't go" He mumbled as I tried to break free from his grip.

He pulled me back and made me sit next to him. "Y/n..I love you" I heard him say in a husky voice but I shook it off.

He's drunk! He's just drunk. I quickly got up and went to get a glass of water for him. But I was pulled back again. This time Jungwon kissed me. Wait..he kissed me. HE KISSED ME!?

OMG! I tried to break free but that kiss was too magical. Jungwon kissed me deeply as he moved closer. Uh no. I was about to pull back but I couldn't.

It was like if I couldn't escape from that kiss.

Jungwon pulled away shyly before mumbling a sorry under his breath. He sat down and fell asleep as I still was froze because of what just happened.


3rd Person POV

Jungwon woke up with the worst headache in the world. He groaned in pain as he got up. "Y/n?" His voice sounded tired.

"Um- Good morning Jungwon!" You greeted him when he went downstairs into the kitchen. "Hey Jagi! Um one quick question...why does my head hurt?" Jungwon asked as Y/n turned to him and blushed hard. "Oh um I don't remember neither" You shrugged nervously as he looked at you.

"Your lying to me" He said as he held your chin to look at him in the eyes. Jungwon looked deep into your eyes. "Please Jagi! Tell me!" Jungwon whined like a kid as you giggled. "Okay Okay!! I will! Stop tickling me!" You finally gave in.


(Jungwon leaving for work)

"See you there Jagi" Jungwon giggled as Y/n just giggled too.

she started to get ready.


Jungwon was busy with work till lunch time. "Jungwon! let's eat!" His friend, Jay screamed as they entered his office. "But Hyung-". "No buts, come on" they pulled him to their table.

They started to eat as Jungwon waited for you. "Jungwonnie!" He heard the door flung open. "I brought you lunch!" You said as you sat next to him. "Mmh Thanks Jagi" Jungwon smiled and kissed your lips.

His friends looked at him shocked. "Whatttttttttttt!?" Sunoo yelled as Jungwon just laughed. "Isn't that what marry couples do?" Jungwon asked innocently as he looked at you. You looked away from embarrassment. "You're too innocent for kissing!" Sunghoon laughed as everyone did the same.

"Kissing?" Jungwon asked again innocently as you slapped his arm. "Stop acting like you don't know what that means." You scolded him as he only chuckled and rolled his eyes at you.

"Whatever" Jungwon said as he started to eat his food.

A few minutes later

Jungwon and his friends were talking about stuff and you were just sitting there bored out of your mind. When you saw something in the corner of Jungwon's office.

You stood up and went to see it. Only to find a small baby kitten, rolled up into a ball. "Aww" You picked it up gently and walked back to the table. "Jungwon, Can I keep it, please?" You asked as Jungwon looked at you. Jealously was burning in his eyes.

"No" He crossed his arms. "What do you mean by no? Please just let me-" "the answer was no" Jungwon again looked away as you rebelled against it. "Well, I'm keeping it whether you like it or not" you finally told him as he didn't respond.

Instead, he looked at you, made a pout on his lips and looked away like a baby. "You jealous cat" you said with a giggle as he grinned. "I might be a jealous cat but your a jealous rat" He responded leaving you speechless.

You than gave your new kitten to Sunoo and was ready to charge at Jungwon. "YAH HOW DARE YOU!!!??" You were now chasing Jungwon around the office as the others laughed at you two. "Both of you stop fighting!" Heeseung pulled you away from Jungwon. Since you were pulling on Jungwon's hair as he yelled for his dear life.

"My poor beautiful hair" Jungwon was holding his head from the pain as you just rolled your eyes. "Serves you right so stop being so dramatic" He rolled his eyes at you and pushed you off the couch.

"Oww" You kicked his leg as he groaned in pain. "Karma" you simply said as he rolled his eyes and smirked at you.

"Cute" he whispered when he saw you still on the floor with a pout formed on your lips.

"I hate you Jungwonnie"

Such a long chapter LoL

love hate..   Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now