chapter 1: the newest dark lord and light lord (short) (prologue)

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i sighed my brother henry was pestering me again

"look grandpa albus has already agreed to train you, as the next lord of the light, i am to be the next dark lord we've talked about this" i said

"but harry" he whined

"enough, stop being a child" i told him of the two of us i was by far the more powerful especially thanks to my rider powers

"harry, tom and gellert are here" my father james called i sighed

"trust grandpa albus to know what he is doing okay" i asked he nodded

"good man" i said before rising to my feet and i left my bedroom my bag already packed

"henry albus is here for you also" james said he nodded

"remember together you and i will remake the world" i said henry nodded

as i left and met my teachers, uncle tom AKA voldemort, and old man gellert grindelwald

"uncle, old man, i am ready" i said

"we shall see" tom said gellert nodded sagely as we left

it was agreed that i would be "kidnapped" to be transformed into the dark lord as our plan to remake the world for the greater good went into affect

in that time they would train me and train me hard as we trained i unlocked my other powers that baffled my teachers my ability to make a bunch of clones of myself was exceptionally useful for training among other nefarious things i'd do

but that was just one of my powers i had to get express permission from the headmaster to carry a sword when i go to hogwarts why, because of my zanpakuto, that's also a shinki isn't that handy

my powers were so many and varied i lost track of how powerful i actually am

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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