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Wooyoungs POV

So far it's been two weeks since that small incident, well I wouldn't call it an incident because it definitely was not one.

I was currently talking to my bestie Yunho as we were in my room while San was doing whatever around the house.

"Bitch how the hell have you not hopped on his dick yet, I thought you were a hoe!!", he screamed and I practically tackled the dumbass tall puppy with my hands over his mouth.

"Stop being so fucking loud my room isn't soundproof!", I tell him and he laughs, "How has he not hopped on you either, your literally wearing booty shorts with an orange oversized shirt", he says with a giggle.

"Stop being so fucking loud my room isn't soundproof!", I tell him and he laughs, "How has he not hopped on you either, your literally wearing booty shorts with an orange oversized shirt", he says with a giggle

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(This but with a bigger ass and thighs because we all know damn well woo is thick—- anyway moving on ahem)

"I don't know, I've literally only bottomed like NEVER", I told him and he giggles again, "You fucking Ass Virgin", he said teasingly and I kicked him again.

"At least I don't sleep with that one dude every time and then black out while getting fucked", I said back and he pouts.

"I thought I told you to never mention that", he said in a whine and kid tone while I laughed at him.

"No but seriously, I'm sure anyone would bottom for him, he's fucking hot on tv but he's unbelievable in person" Yunho says as he fawns over my roommate and partner.

"If you wanna get fucked by that man you need to be more bratty, I keep hearing he's a dominant and that's also hot as fuck too, like imagine you guys just arguing and he just slams you against the wall with his hand around your throat putting you in your place, man I honestly would've been gotten dicked down if I was you but I have a mans I'm loyal to", he rants and I roll my eyes followed by a snort.

"You guys aren't even dating", I tell him and he scoffs, "Bitch at least I'm getting dick unlike you who's asking their bestie for tips to get dicked down", he says back and I gasp.

"I never asked you to give me tips", I tell him a b it confused, "Well your sorry ass is getting them now, first tip is teasing, you need to get your juicy booty ass out there and bend over in front of him on purpose as if your just picking something up, men love but also hate being teased", he says and I groan as I watched the smile on his face widen.

The glint in his eyes being filled with excitement, "Oh fuck No you want me to do that now!?", I whisper yell and he nods like it's the most pure thing in the world to do ever.

"Come on your going to love it and so will he, teasing is fun and I know for sure you love to tease so where's that shy badasss I know", he said pushing me out of my room and into the main room.

He shut the door behind me with a sly giggle, my heart was pounding in my chest, yes this was going to be fun but still, he's literally scary but hot at the same time, he's a devil of lust or some shit.

I scan the living room first, seeing if he's on the couch that was facing the tv and if he was sitting on it I would see the back of his head but he's not so I look over into the kitchen and there he is.

Standing right in front of the kitchen island which was perfectly right in front of the fridge and I am a bit thirsty now so why not.

I quietly walked over to the kitchen entrance and he glanced at me, but I don't look at him trying to seem as I'm minding my business.

I could feel his eyes literally eye fucking me as he basically let his eyes scan up and down, also luckily for me my shirt is always not covering my ass, I don't know why but anytime I wear something oversized I don't like the way it feels if it covers my butt.

I opened the refrigerator door, I bent over slightly on purpose and I still feel his eyes on me which definitely sent excitement within my body.

I was an attention whore ok.

I grabbed on his Gatorades he keeps before turning to look and him and his eyes were still on the lower half of my body with an intense gaze and a lip bite which honestly made my knees weak.

"San my eyes are here sweetie", I said as I stepped closer waving my hands in front of his face and his gaze shifted to my face, which his gaze looked way more intense when he was looking directly at me.

"Can I have this", I asked him with a fake innocent smile referring to his Gatorade I had in my hand.

I heard him sigh sucking in air between his teeth, "Sure", he says back with a small smile, his eyes creasing into a line in the process.

"Thanks", I said before starting to walk away but he interrupted grabbing me by the waist, no longer was a smile present on his face, instead it had the same gaze he had earlier which made my stomach curl and the little touch of his hand against the skin of my waist made my body erupt in flames.

"I can tell your doing this on purpose", he said in a deep tone which made me shiver, he noticed as he smirked pulling me closer to press against his muscular lean body, chest to chest as I felt my breathe get caught in my throat.

He pressed against against mines still looking into my eyes, what I wasn't expecting though, was for his gaze to hold any type of gentleness or care in them, but other than that it was full lust, uh mission accomplished way too fast?

"You really like it when I stare don't you?, why else would you do stuff like bend down in front of me on purpose hmm", he taunts in a smooth but deep voice and I felt my chest still pounding.

The tension in the room was thick as I wasn't able to respond so in stead we just stared at each other for a bit as he continued to hold me by the waist.

Even in this angle he was beautiful in every way, "I-It wasn't o-on purpose", I stirred a bit doing a miserable job of being confident, that shit flew out the fucking window the second he grabbed me.

We've actually had many sexual tension between us since the time he pinned me to my bed with his hand around my throat.

"Sure, keep up with it and I'll do something you'll probably regret later", he said whispering the last part in my ear sending another shiver down my spine as I felt my knees buckling beneath me.

The sound of his voice dropping another octave made me let out a small whine trying to cover the moan that wanted to erupt from my chest.

He let me go before I went back into the room with Yunho, he looked at me with a grin as I closed my whitely colored wooden door.

"He saw through it", I said immediately flopping right where I was standing as my legs couldn't hold it anymore.

"Oop, we'll did you at least get an ass grab or a choke?", he asked and I shook my head, "Then it wasn't good enough", Yunho says, I have no idea how his brain works.

"The next step is flirting plus teasing but, maybe not now because you look like he fucked you already catch your breath man", he says with a evil cackle and I almost threw my Gatorade at him.

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