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It all started in HQ,the Pj masks were just doing their thing,Gekko was playing video games with Pj robot, Owlette is looking at the pj player and Catboy was just reading master fangs comics,for some reason he was nervous
Catboy: *in the mind* come on Catboy,you can do it ( he said in his mind as he walk towards Owlette ) hey Owlette ( he said nervously )
Owlette: hey Catboy what's up ?
Catboy: umm I was wondering if you would.....spare with me ( he said nervously )
Owlette: spare ? You mean like a fight ?
Catboy: yeah *in his mind* why did you say that she'll definitely say no )
Owlette: sure I will
Catboy: wait really ?
Owlette: yeah,cause I have nothing to do,so where do we begin ?
Catboy: oh um at the park,how's that sound ?
Owlette: sure let's go, Gekko you come ?
Gekko: no thanks I'm in the middle of winning this game
Catboy: suit yourself ( he said as he and Owlette head straight to the lift )
Just as they left,Gekko got up from the cough and got to the pj player
Gekko: hey Pj robot who do you think would win ?
Pj robot:*beap* ( I'm not sure )
Gekko: yeah,me too but let's see who will win ( he said as he put the screen in camera mode )

To be continued

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