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The next morning, Connor was outside his house waiting for his friends,just as he was waiting,Amaya came to him
Amaya: Connor ! ( she said getting his attention )
Connor: Oh hey Amaya, by the waydid you study for today's math test ?
Amaya: of course I did,what about you ?
Conner: same
Amaya: great ( she said as she looked sad )
Conner: what's wrong Amaya ? ( he asked noticing his upset girlfriend )
Amaya: Connor, it's Greg,you know ( she said as Conner realised )
Connor: Oh yeah, Greg might get upset to see us,you know ( he said saddly as Amaya noded )
Amaya: should we tell him ?
Connor: I think we should
Amaya: I hope he takes it well ( she said as they hear Greg's voice )
Greg: hey guies ( he said as both of them take a deep breath ) um what's wrong ? ( he asked noticing his friends upset looks )
Amaya: Greg, there is something that you need to know
Greg: what's that ?
Conner: well,me and Amaya are....( before he can say anything, Greg cuts him )
Greg: in love right ? ( he asked as the two look surprised )
Amaya: Greg, you knew ?
Greg: yeah
Connor: but how ?
Greg: well,yesterday I use the pj player to see you guies sparring,and when you two confess your love to each other I was surprised but also happy for you guies
Connor: wait you use the pj player,to watch use confess our love ?
Greg: heh heh sorry ( he said as Amaya put her hand on his shoulder )
Amaya: it's ok Greg
Greg: it is
Connor: yeah, I'm just glad that everything is going smoothly
Greg: thanks guies,umm aren't we forgetting something ? ( he asked as the three realised )
Amaya: Oh no the maths test
Connor: we have to hurry or teacher will be angry ( he said as the ran to school as fast as they could )
Later( cause I'm lazy ),the three finished the test and so did the other children ( which I don't know their names )
Teacher: alright children, if you're done writing please leave your papers on your desk and leave ( he said as everyone did as he told them and leave the classroom )
Amaya: guies,how was the test ?
Greg: it was alright I guess, I hope I will pass
Connor: speaking of which,Amaya there's something I want to show you
Amaya: what is it Connor ?
Connor: well I made a little surprise,but you will see it in nighttime
Amaya: oooh I can't wait to see your surprise Connor
Connor: you will love I promise you
Greg: hey guies,I need to go to the library
Amaya: the library, why ?
Greg: Cause there's this book I want borrow
Conner: sure why not
Greg: thanks guies,see ya
Amaya: bye Greg ( she said as Greg left the school and head to the library )
At the library, Greg was looking for a book when came across something
Greg: huh ? ( he said to himself as he took the book and read the title ) How to get a girlfriend huh,this will do ( he said to himself as he heard a familiar voice*Cameron*)
Cameron: whatcha reading Greg ? ( he asked,which made Greg jumped in shock )
Greg: Cameron, don't sneak up on people like that ( he said as Cameron laughed )
Cameron: come on its abit funny ( he said continuing laughing ) but seriously do what are you reading ? ( he asked as he snatched the book out of Greg's hands and read it ) How to get a girlfriend,Seriously Greg ? ( he said laughing at him )
Greg: hey whats so funny about that ? ( he asked angrily )
Cameron: well that's because your a lizard loving loser who can't get a girlfriend and you know why ?
Greg: why ?
Cameron: because no girl will date a guy who loves lizards ( he said as he continued laughing ) seeya Greg  ( he said leaving and laughing at the same time )
Hearing all that made Greg angrily and sad at the same time
Greg: maybe Camerons right,no girl will ever love me ( he said sadly as he put back the book and left the library )

To be continued

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