• Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

"Die by the sword"

11:36 p.m. in Atlanta

"Wait! Milan slow down! What do you mean she's gone?!" Kyran says frantically over the phone as Milan stood in the middle of Kauner's apartment.

"She called me like two hours ago, saying how she didn't feel in control of her life anymore and that she needed to leave Atlanta for the sake of her sanity. I thought I calmed her down.. until her mom called me. She said that she hasn't seen or heard from her since this morning." Milan says with a huge sigh, running her fingers through her freshly done micro-links as she tried to think about where Kauner could have possibly gone.

"What the hell, where are you at right now?" Ky asks Milan, sounding like he was getting out of bed.

"I'm standing in her apartment, I checked the bedroom closet and her beauty room to see if she took clothes but nothing really seems out of place."

"I'm on my way, give me ten minutes."


Milan decided to go ahead and text Shi and let him know where she was just in case he came home looking for her. Ever since he found out she was pregnant he had been so protective of her, he basically moved into her loft. He was there every night.

Shi spent most of the day at Amir's house since since it was his first day out and everything. He wanted her to tag along with him and meet his aunt but Milan didn't really want to see Amir right now. She didn't like the way he did Kauner and since she's not the type to hide how she feels so she decided against going.

Milan was laying on the couch scrolling through her IG timeline when Kyran entered the apartment, already taking off the Moncler navy blue padded wool cardigan that he wore on top of his black satin pajama pantsuit.

"Bitch why are you sitting in here with door open like Buckhead isn't the new Bankhead?" He questions her, looking around Kauner's spotless condo.

"Shutup, it's about time your ass got here. I almost fell asleep waiting on you!" She rolls her eyes, sitting up on the couch and turning around to face him.

"Don't be so dramatic, I got here in five minutes." He waves her off, walking over to the wine fridge and grabbing a bottle of red wine that Kauner hadn't finished. "I called her phone like ten times on the way over here, it's going straight to voicemail. I even tried dm'ing her on Instagram. She deactivated her page."

"Knowing her.. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on a plane heading out of the country right now." Milan mumbles, playing with a loose string on the sleeve of her white thermal shirt.

"Tsssss. Can you blame her? Look at all of the shit that's happening to and around her. Amir completely blindsided her with all of his bullshit, and now she's supposed to raise a child with him and heal from all the trauma he put her through at the same time? Fuck that! I would've left too. I just wish she would at least pick up the phone and tell us she's safe." Ky shakes his head as he walked over to the couch with two glasses of red wine.

"Kyran I can't have that. Did you forget that I'm with child? Hello?!"

"Girl it's fine, you can have one glass of red everyday while you're pregnant. Thank me later." He waves Milan off, taking a huge sip of his drink.

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