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{Confusion and chaos}

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Jacob watches as a half naked Sam Uley carried his dead cousin into his house. They had gotten close over the summer. They bonded over cheesy movies and their hate for olives. He thought of her like a sister. Ever since his older sisters left for collage, it was just him and his little brother David. Even then, David was at his friends house 9 times out of 10. 

He can't believe he chose to go find Bella instead of being the last one to see Natalie alive. He could have gotten up there in under 5 minutes if he just took his dirt bike and went. But no. Instead he goes and stands in front of his friend and crush's house that will never like him back because she's in love with someone else. 

Starting now, he's going to focus on his friends and family. Maybe he will go up and see his sisters for a while. No. He couldn't leave his dad here alone. He will make sure he and Leo are okay. Leo's been a good buddy to him. 'Does he even know?' He asks himself before remembering Leo's face as he passed by him to talk to his dad. His face was blank but his cheeks were stained with wet tears. At the time, he assumed it was because he was really worried about his sister and they were tears of joy that she was okay, like Charlie had. 

His dad pops open 3 beers, handing one to his son and one to Sam, keeping the other for himself. "Trust me, you're gonna need it." He said with a shaky voice. 

Billy had been thinking about his brother. How he never got a funeral. How his wife never got one. And now Natalie will get one, but way too soon. She was meant to live a long life. Her soulmates had promised to protect her. But instead they left her to die and skipped town.

'If it was Bella, they wouldn't have left.' He thought as he glugged his beer. "I'm sorry dad." Jacob finally spoke. Billy raised a questioning eyebrow and he continued. "I dragged you to the Swan house. If I would have asked you what we should do instead of running straight to bella, maybe she'd still be here." 


The next morning just before dawn, the tribe lined the beach. Candles were lit and a boat was made with Natalie's body wrapped in linen. 

Leo pulled into the La Push parking lot in Bella's truck. Billy had called him. As the closest person to Natalie, he was supposed to shoot the first arrow into her casket. He wasn't sure how tribal funerals worked, but apparently this was a wolf thing. Only the people who knew about the secret were allowed to come. Reluctantly, Leo got out of his truck and walked toward the large bonfire. 


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