Year 1 chapter 9

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"And what, pray tell, do you plan on doing with this trying piece of information Mr Potter?" The caution and reluctance lies heavy in his gaze.

"Do not dwell too much dear Professor, I am under not illusions of anyone believing a word I say at this present moment, while I understand that Dumbledore would surely investigate all of my hard work and glory will be passed along to my bastard brother,"

His eyes though still caution are not as so compared to a few minutes ago.

Good, I wish not to create an enemy of my enemies enemy. An enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"That does not answer my question Potter," I smirk good, he caught on. I did not answer his question as I am not too sure that I actually know that answer.

Though I suppose I will have to learn quickly what it is I want.

"Well professor, while I do not plan to expose you do want something to come from this, I wish for a truce. A magical alliance. You will not harm me in the same way I shall not harm you.

I want our truce to be a favour for a favour, if that favour is not carried out as agreed you will be fined by penalty of your magic. As will I with mine. We have to be clear about our terms, clear about our favours and not deceive or tell only part truth.

If the opposing party is even fractionally unaware of what they have agreed to the offending party will have their magic restrained for a week and the contract will become null and void. In the case of our contract being null and void 1 of 2 things must happen.

1) one of us disobey and go against the terms of said contact.

2) being the both of us fulfil our end of the deal and deliver all favours owed.

If the contract is to end due to the former subject then it would be most unfortunate, the offending party will be under law of magic that requires you do as a means to uphold peace and ensure that the debt is fully paid off. Failure to do this and your magic will be destroyed imminently.

If it ends on course with the latter then you're most fortunate and all is dandy. What do you say professor?"

He looks at me with flame lit eyes, he mouth pulled in a sneer and his confusion is being worn on his face like a second skin.

"And why Mr Potter, would I ever agree to such a thing? What could I possibly gain from signing a contract that wishes to destroy my magic? What is it that I gain from this?"

With my wand I form pictures, notes and a video. A video of just now. I channeled my magic into created a moving live video of our conversation and it will hold onto the video until I decide otherwise, I explain this all to Quirell and his eye twitches.

Seems as though Quirell isn't too smart and Voldemort is just to weak to stay in control.

You are wasting both of our times, Tom. Make your decision and make it fast either sign the contract or don't it is entirely your choice. If you choose to sign then we can discuss our terms at a later date and in the meantime we can keep this little secret between us and get along just fine.

Truly the choice is yours.

I speak pastletoungue, he wasn't expecting that and his eyes expand just a friction, his eyes are now red and again and I can see they're conversing Voldemort no doubt telling Quirell what to say.

"Fine, on one condition, you will be a spy for my, whenever I want you to do something you will do it without question, whenever I want a piece of information you will jump off a cliff if the bottom is where it's at and if not then I shall tell everyone of your plan to destroy the light side before you could think about opening your mouth about me.

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