dom reader× bottom denki

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Quirk play (maybe a bit)

Y/ns quirk- heat
Means- y/n can heat up her hands and or if she wanted she can heat up the surface meaning she can make everyone sweat and get very very hot to the point they feel like they are on fire
3rd person-
Y/n has gone to UA for a good amount of time now and it was no mistake that she of all females was the most perfect and beautiful one there of course she got hit on every single day and she didn't care one bit because she had her eye on person specifically denki kaminari he was so sweet and cheerful y/n had this lust of wanting to break him and watch him beg and cry under her well that was just a thought of hers  she never tried to take advantage of him in anyway she wanted to slowly make her way there and she did that today was the day for her to make her move not with out his permission of course!

Y/ns pov-
I wanted to make a move on denki the first day i laid eye on his pretty face he was so beautiful he looked like a god his perfect face structure his glowing skin can't for get his eyes oh how i loved to stare into those eyes when i got the chance to of course most of the people in class 1-A new i liked him and they knew exactly who would top it wasn't a hard guess at all denki could top yes but he is so submissive around me and i love it so much.

Denkis pov-
Y/n was sitting with us in Bakugos room and she kept looking at me and i couldn't help but blush at it i was so flustered as she was eye fucking me but that soon stopped "oi shit quirk stop eye fucking denki" bakugo said rolling his eyes y/n glared at bakugo her glaring was so intimidating i got a shiver down my spine i gulped and watched as kiri wiggled his eye brows at me making me get up blushing " going to my dorm!" I said leaving to my dorm

Y/ns pov-
Denki left in a rush i looked at kiri and bakugo they both pointed to the door and i nodded knowing they wanted me to go to denki i got up and left the room faster then you could say ' superfragilisticalidocious' i was walking to his dorm on the third floor right next to iida and kouda i knocked on his door and i heard a thud and he yelled a 'hold on' and soon after he opened the door i chuckled as he was shocked and he blusjed a bit "yeah?" Denki asked "i was wondering if you would like to hang out in youre dorm since you left Bakugos" i asked and he moved to the side and let me in i walked in and sat on his bed and he shut his door and locked it and he came and sat nexted to me "so what do you want to do?" Denki asked with a little blush i leaned closer and kissed him and to my surprise he kissed back i broke the kiss and he whimpered out i chuckled and went to kiss his neck but i stopped and i looked at him and he nodded giving me the right away to continue as i was i kissed his neck and he moaned a bit as i found his sweet spot i smirked against it and marked it just to go back to it later i backed away and denki bit his lip "please" denki said making me smirk even more if possible "as you wish pretty boy" i said with that denki got up and went over to his closet and pulled out a strap 'what a kinky boy'  i thought as he made his way to me and he put it in my lap he was as red a kiris hair i put the strap on and he got on the bed already naked

3rd person-
Y/n lined up with his hole and she looked into his eyes and he nodded letting her know it was okay for her to go when she was ready "are you sure you want this denki?" Y/n asked not sure if he was ready for her "yes please fuck me" denki said with a red blush y/n smiled a bit and nodded as she thrusted into him y/n thrusted hard and fast watching every single face denki was making he was so innocent but yet so lewd "mommy! P..please! A..ahhh!" Denki moaned out y/n blushed a bit at the name but she smirked "what is it want more pleasure?" Y/n said as she basically pounded his guts into the next dimension denki grabbed her hand and put it on his chest y/n grabbed his chest and kept pounding into him she used her quirk to heat his chest up a bit she made sure not to heat it up to much to burn his skin denki arched his back as he let out a long and loud moan "huh heat kink?" Y/n asked and denki just rolled his eye to the back of his head as he soon came on his chest y/n smirked and she stopped in her tracks not pulling out "hmm rookie arent you?" Y/n asked and denki was slowly coming back to earth and y/n looked him in his eyes "you short circuited a bit there" y/n said as denki giggled a bit y/n pulled out and put the strap down and she picked denki up cleaned him then laid him down in his bed with a shirt and boxers on she left soon after that.

Bonus part
Y/n was walking to her class and she stopped to talk to her group and denki was wobbly the group all teased him about it and y/n smirked the whole time not even looking away from denki the whole day went with denki being teas9 by the group also filled with y/n smirking

Hey guys sorry for the wait i was dealing with something's lol but im back

Have a good rest of your day/night

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