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I am not going back to other chapters to fix the punctuation. When I wrote those I was higher then a mother fucker and I fucked the whole story up at that point. Obviously my punctuation isn't much better but neither is half of the one's commenting about it. When you become a ELA teacher and teacher about punctuation. Then please come and correct me about how my punctuation is shit.

Now further on!!!!

I will be skipping the Sasuke chapter and moving on down the list. Sasuke isn't really one of the characters I know about so please forgive me. I will get back to him after I look into the character. Please stand by. Yeah get up and stand mhm you better be looking at your phone as you stand like this "🧍🏻‍♀️."   Yessssss that's perfect now smile for the camera say cheese or if your vegan say vegan cheese! 📸 perfect. 😘 you look very nice!

Look out your window. Tell me what you see outside in the comments. Don't lie I know where you live.....

ANYWAYS!!! My beautiful baby kitty is alive and he's still with me. I would get a better picture of his so he don't look like a sock but you know he's a baby and a boy. He's very hard to calm. My other cats name is Lucifer not like the devil but like the show. She's pregnant again.  She had babies a year ago and I kept one and she got pregnant and had my baby I have now. She's a good mom and all but idk. Lucifer won't get along with my other two cats. Cow and Aizawa idk why. It's sad though they used to be so close well cow and Lucifer. Yes she's the colors of a cow....


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