hamza damilare nurdueen he is the type of man I want on damn he fucks me like

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It toke me long time , make up my mind to start writing this honestly i do not want to writing the set of book but i want to be totally honest about this part of book i want to write because it is the book that i feel might be of help to many ladies out there .

The beauty of a man

Many might said that i wil not date a guy that wil be ugly or not good looking for me i do not want the case where some wil say he does not have euogh fire in him to show me love or play wit me romantic play while others wil say that i prefer a hard working man in bed .now i wil start by goods looks ladies if you are always looking for good looks in man and not his others characters then i wil tell you a bitter truth now stop it ever one be it a man or woman is beautiful in his or her own ways so pls try to look at the others bad habits in a man try to do that pls and try to see the beauty in all men you come across wit , okay now you might find a man which have fire and hands of angel or the strength you are looking for but know one thing for sure men are version of who want them to be as long you know how to carry Your self and know how put your priority and how you stay true to yourself now this is why i did say this men like a woman that know her worth or more like i should that know how what she want for her self they like that alot but there is something bad about this tho to get a man to stay wit you is all about being classic or wearing the most sexy stuff or even trying to impress him through cooking it wil not work at all if that man see your worth he wil stay no matter what your own opinion is .but for me i do not like a man beauty i am not in to that at all.

The zeal to stay true Iyourself
Now working class men or man that is genius some lady might pick a man which is rich and okay while some pick a man that is more in to brains work like me i want a man brains not his money .

Not men wil support when you made a good ideal or when you do not have your shit together at all some wil tell you that you are worthless not good euogh even tell you that you do not understand what they are going through at all when you are there wit them watching them not being that woman of demand lot but because of your sweet kind heart you just want to show him you understand ladies pls do not be like me that love wit my all and not afraid to start all over again pls do not be like me at all sometimes is it better of to be your self and let the rest be you do not have force yourself to be some body that does not care about self but try to be there for those who needs you more i repeat do not be like me always put yourself first no matter what you do not need any man to feel happy or look beautiful or feel worthy it is just your mind set .ladies i am currently going through lot in my relationship that i actual forgot that it is stil that fix my self up no matter what i stil fix myself and rock myself to sleep or even sometimes try to disappear in my thoughts to sleep to rest mind .always follow your heart and what your mom and what your gut tell you , believe me i have lost alot of men because there are no meant for me at all some just do not get me for me while some just want to hurt me more and more and more for no reason while some just want my body and do not want know what is in my heart or what is disturbing me while some too just want to know if fail or win at the ending while some just want me to act the child i look like while some just want me as a item like trophy well let me tell you something ladies if you can tell yourself no one created you , no one knows if you are healthy or not no one knows that it is not easy hiding fake smiles each time then you wil tel your self the hard truth you are better off starting something new each time .

The confident

The confidence that a man want or has rather is mind blowing i was walking down the metro station one day on my way crossing to get the supermarket .
This unknown mad man :he said hello beauty
Me:like i kept on walking on my own not answering him of .a normal wil just read that this lady does not want to answer me right
This unknown mad man:just a min
Me:kept on walking
The unknown mad man:i wil follow you
Me : stopped and give him the piece of my mind so i did i told him is unproper for you to just call a lady you do not know
The unknown mad man: sorry just need your number
Me:gave him wrong number haha but i bet he wil not notice .
Now you see what i am talking about men has such boldness walk up to you tell you to give them your number like for real cool right but ladies do not have that expect for some like me i feel the good looking guy outfit i wil walk up to him and ask for his contact men that guy wil flip out i feel i should try that one day

Hmmm complexion , pure and beauty skin of a man can make you go crazy right well for me tho i feel some people just love being natural like ladies just like us some guys love being real and take good care of their heart in terms of good character and good behaviour. I only wish i can find a man who worth the say value

Value is a virtue
Ladies i know i might sound strange but at the same time i only love to express myself and be totally totally honest as well doing it but no problem tho if no body get that about me i will understand that about myself and others people too but men do not like to show it so that you do not hurt me in return which it is painful some ladies go to some length to show a man they love him i do too but only when it calls for it but i always say to myself i am fine alone at the end because if i should talk about my deepest fears why i feel when a man say one thing and do another you wil feel i hate men but i do not it is just me

Men are flowers that must water each day and time always every day , every year i might have time to say this in the rest of my book but take this serious men are flowers i appreciate my man even if he buy just chain only just that chain means he is thinking about me and he cares for me to even think of spending his hard earn money to buy me chain or something more than chain stil learn the habit to appreciate your man pls ladies
I will only take a man to be mine if he has a good heart .

is all i want

Tricky not tricking you
I think it is how honest you are to man that you will gain his loyalty towards you because I feel like it is all in the heart ,now quick down to the tricky men are just hard-working creatures without no time for other drama but there are men too that act like woman those men know the kind of lady they want especially Libra and cancers with Capricorn men oh before I forget Leo's are the king of drama not like the cancer men they just want someone to love them unconditional and always be there for them no matter what ,and they want some one to run Miles for them just like acquarius woman we are more robot in heart than our men kind only if we get angry or confused or sometimes it is how you said a word to us that makes us react the way we do react but which ever way we are more sweeter than our men because our men are just beautiful liar and very selective too but who cares I feel the world has gone high and advance in technology to feel bored or alone but I still feel alone and even with all my friends I still feel hurt that I have no one in those crowd knows me ,I do have a best friend but I feel sometime she just too busy with her own life also who can blame her am I right well that is my life for you when it comes to men I get tricked easily and I hate it because they see that I have a innocent heart and they work on the heart to get what they want but I really feel the need to relax and observe my self who I want and who want me back for life or short time activities sometimes I just feel the need to just be my self it is better than getting hurt and rolling tissue down your eyes with running nose men I hate feeling the way but guys I am human being also I do feel hurt sometimes but I just don't let get me down that I can not stand up but more over not tricked you it is just a man just want you for short time and see how goes ladies you have to be observe when he want a wife or hoe or a no party kind of girl ,men might not say it because they feel they are hurting some one in return so I rather keep their feelings instead of speaking out and be called the bad man ,those men are very sensitive to their heart lot due to the world is changing every day and day so just relax to fix your self in a place where it's nice for you to stay okay ladies .

    Self discipline
A lady should have self control at all times and more over you never can tell where temptation will come from.

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