Shi Wudu

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(Please don't leave me, I just found you for the third time, please don't leave me. I am sorry for upsetting you. I should've noticed once again you pushed yourself and that is why you couldn't save yourself; I am so sorry, I should've dived in after you, please forgive me)

Feeling a hand on his shoulder he looked up to see a man in white, don't beat yourself up it's in his nature to be forgiving and selfless and right now I do believe you need to see if he is fine, so come. Guiding Lan Zhan to where Hua Ying is.

He really looks beautiful and peaceful when he sleeps, I always loved watching him sleep until Hua Cheng came to pull me away reminding me that I should too. Said Xie Lian

Tia Zi danxia, the darkness has filled his mind and core, it is easy to remove it from the core all I need is the ghost king and E-Ming the mind, well I can't heal that there are certain things he needs like his core, his Wraith butterflies and hopefully the clarity song.

I shall ask Xie Lian replied.


Tai Zi Dianxia this one apologizes for intruding in court but the matter is unavoidable, said Yin Yu

What is it Yin Yu he asked seeing everyone was there waiting

Instead of explaining he showed the memory ball everyone stared in horror as sit finished the uproar that it caused, Xie Lian panicked

SILENCE, he Roared, now Yin Yu does San Lang know of this. He asked as the room quieted down

He does not Wang Fang directed me to inform you first.

He is right to do that, otherwise the whole mortal realm would burn, where is my son now how is he? Asked Xie Lian

At the infirmary, he... his Wraith butterflies won't come out... he, he, is so silent, finally Yin Yu broke down.

Walking up to him trying to pick him up. Tai Zi Dianxia I have failed not only you but Hua Ying as well I was supposed to be guardian, we searched the lake but only ever found the water corpses, I didn't think anything of it I just watched until it was too late. The dark energy isn't pure it's tainted I couldn't move I heard terror and screaming as the innocent was murdered and so much sorrow, it's no excuse I apologize. Said Yin Yu

Yin Yu if you tell me that darkness is tainted then it is tainted, I believe you, you wouldn't lie and even I know you would protect my son with your life, what you did was immediately call Wang Fang and not San Lang now get up and go protect him until we get there.

He got up bowed as he left

Tainted darkness father does this have anything do with the Yin Iron? asked Hua Tianshi who was pale

Everyone I ask not to bombarded cloud recess at the moment continue your work I will come as soon as I have answers, I must first deal with the situation at hand he said as he left.

Everyone bowed as Xie Lian walked out taking his daughter with him

Was that truly the water tyrant?

Wasn't he supposed to be dead?

Walking out of the court and away from the gossip Shi Qingxuan looked hopelessly at his fan, brother was that really you? Are you still keeping your promise and waiting for me?

Ghost realm (Now)

HE DID WHAT!!! roared Hua Cheng

San Lang calm yourself as Hua Tianshi hid behind Xie Lain

My love, you are asking me to be calm that self-sacrificing...... where is my little demon now? I hope he is at home? Asked Hua Cheng

San Lang he is still in the mortal realm, he is too unstable to move and plus I wouldn't bring the taint here even if he were. You heard what Yin Yu said think of yourself, think of your daughter, think of your people. He was reckless I admit but you know A-Ying he not only lives by his convictions he is still an emotional boy that hides behind his smile said Xie Lian, now let's go and see if he is alright now. A-Shi go back to the hall, once I have news, I will come...... said Xie Lian.

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