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On the second day Hua Ying was up and talking, he was allowed to move around the room and sit outside the door but no further than that, being as weak as he was his parents decided to confine him until he was fit enough to break the charm, so besides talking to Lan Qingheng-Jun and playing go, meditating, eating, sleeping and taking his medication he was pretty bored then he remembered he had his parents story and that's how Lan Zhan found him that night sitting reading and laughing, laying on the roof with leg dangling swaying as his wraith butterflies played his melody.

How could one person be so energetic throughout the day Lan Zhan thought as he jumped up on to the roof and stood beside him.

You should be resting inside. Lan Zhan said

A-Zhan my core is ghost so I don't feel the cold as others do and neither does my body since I was titled said Hua Ying

A-Ying please. Begged Lan Zhan

Fine as he jumped down and went inside followed closely by Lan Zhan, I heard you and your father changed rooms because you became unbearable said Hua Yin

I was just guarding you said Lan Zhan

Mn did you ever find out how it came in? Asked Hua Ying

Mn it dug a whole on the weakest side if the barrier behind the cave said Lan Zhan

Hitting himself on the head surprising Lan Zhan as he took Hua Ying hand in his and check if the wound hadn't reopened

What did you do that for? Lan Zhan asked angrily

For being an incompetent fool replied Hua Ying

Why? Asked Lan Zhan

Because when A-Huan set the barrier up I relied on Shifu Lan Yi as well since her spiritual essence isn't there anymore it has become the weakest point in the barrier Explained Hua Ying

As they sat down Lan Zhan noticed a few scrolls left opened some sweets laying around on the table and notes laying everywhere.

Hua Tianshi has been here? Asked Lan Zhan

How did you know? asked Hua Ying as he poured tea for them to the disappointment of Lan Zhan that mean he had to let go of Hua Ying hand.

The mess. said Lan Zhan as he pointed to the table.

Sorry about that yes, she was here and decided to irritate me by messing up my work, that's how I came to be on the roof. This is from her Hua Ying said as he continued to pour the tea

As he was about to get up Lan Zhan leaned over and grabbed his hand and pulled Hua Ying towards him making him fall into his lap.

A-Zhan, I need to clean the mess otherwise I will never be able to sleep as said as he yawned

Looks like you could sleep now said Lan Zhan

Mn replied Hua Ying

They were interrupted by a knock on the door, as Hua Ying got up Lan Zhan pulled him back and unsheathed Bichen.

Seriously no evil can enter the confinement spell and I cannot leave and I can tell you now from the knock I know it's A-Sang said Hua Ying

All the more reason growled Lan Zhan

He broke curfew, then it must be a for a good reason said Hua Ying as he walked towards the door and opened it.

Nie huaisang immediately hugged Hua Ying, A-Ying I just over heard, are you okay? Jiang Cheng is breaking his sister in now to see you, I had to follow Lan Zhan this afternoon to find out where you were kept, he gave Jiang Cheng writing punishment for screaming and swearing because he wouldn't tell us. Nie Huaisang started crying

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