Am I going to Die?

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Why does he like to test me. ¨You wouldn't kill me, I thought you wanted me to find you so you could kill me in person.¨ I kept making fun of his cowardice. He kept telling me how he had so much power that whatever he did in a dream would happen in real life. He came at me with the knife he had before. He took his knife grabbed my forearm and cut from my the inside of my elbow to my wrist. I held back a scream, knowing if I let that scream out then he knows he has won. He is not going to win. After he gave me the cut he said not to worry, he does the same to Dimitri. With that he left.

I woke up gasping and a pain in my arm. My left hand went to my forearm and touched it. A searing pain shot through my arm and my hand pulled back. When I pulled my hand back it was covered in blood. What?! He was right, I had a cut on my arm. I got up and turned on the light and looked at my arm. The blood was gushing, I couldn't get it to stop. I got up to go to the bathroom, but I fell. I was losing so much blood that I couldn't function. As soon as I hit the floor, I was in and out of consciousness. Lizzie woke up and turned on all the lights. ¨Oh my God!¨She screamed. ¨What happened to you.¨

I tried to mumble something, but nothing would come out. I heard her screaming into the phone, but couldn't decipher anything. What seemed like an eternity, was only about fifteen minutes before an ambulance arrived. They put me in a gurney. I struggled against them because I did not want to go to a hospital. I started to cry when a guy of about twenty-seven Said to me, ¨You're going to be fine, I promise.¨ I shook my head at him and started whimpering. ¨Calm down you're going to be fine. Look at me, I won't let anyone hurt you, I swear.¨ He sounded so genuinely sweet, I almost believed him. He noticed all the scars on my body and mumbled to the other paramedic. They discussed something for awhile, then the one that was trying to calm me down came back over. ¨I have a question. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but, do you self harm?¨ He questioned. My eyes went big and I started thrashing at him, trying to hit him in anyway possible.

He finally got my arms and legs strapped down and when he did he was panting and sweating so bad, I almost felt sorry for him. ¨I just have to ask. It's procedure when we see cuts like that.¨

I finally managed to get a few words out. ¨Fuck. You.¨ Was all that could come out and earlier I had managed to get my left arm out of the strap. I took my fist and connected it with his face. He stumbled back and I smirked. He really should not have pissed me off. He turned to the counter and grabbed something, but when he came over he had a needle in his hand. I started thrashing again. ¨I just want to help you. That's the only reason I asked you that question. You made me do this.¨ He saw the expression on my face and a look of guilt crossed his face. I started crying and thrashing around again and I heard him say, ¨I'm so sorry.¨ I felt a prick on my neck and I let out a whimper. He took the palm of his hand and held my face gently. He let me cry until finally, my breathing evened and all I saw was darkness.

I didn't wake up for what I knew was a good few hours. When I did wake up I was strapped to bed. Both of my feet tied to the end post and my wrists strapped down to my sides. I started to panic and a nurse walked in. She looked at me and smiled, I stopped wriggling around and pulled back a little. ¨Don't worry, I'm here to help. Now first part of business. Can you tell me where you got those scars?¨ She asked. My eyes darkened along with my thoughts at this question. She saw my reaction and put her hands up in surrender. ¨Look, we have to ask. I'm not doing this to be mean. I want to help. I want you to get the help you deserve.¨

¨Are you saying I'm crazy? Well, think again lady. I don't give a fuck what you think of me. When do I sign papers to leave here?¨

¨No, you can't. You're under 24 hour suicide watch. We can't let you leave.¨ She stated.

¨Well, I'm not fucking suicidal. So you can let me go.¨ If I wasn't strapped to this bed and in pain, I would walk over and bitch slap that woman.

¨Well, if you're not suicidal, then you wouldn't mind telling us where you got those.¨ She stated once again.

¨You really want to know. Okay then, my parents were murdered and the guy that killed them gave all these scars to me. Happy? Now, I may not be suicidal, but if you don't let me sign those papers, I damn well may get homicidal.¨ The look on her face told me she was scared to know end. She pressed a button on her notepad and the same paramedic that tried to help last night came in.

¨Try to talk some sense into her. If she doesn't listen knock her out with a dose.¨ Se tried to be as quiet as possible, but I still heard and decided to give her a piece of my mind.

¨You can't knock me out because I won't cooperate. You stupid son of a bitches need to let me go. I am not going to calm down until I'm out of here. So let me sign the papers, I told you how I got the scars not let me go.¨ I screamed.

¨She's all your's Jake.¨ The nurse said and walked out.

I gave him the death glare when he sat on the edge of the bed. What he did next was surprising. He took off the straps. ¨I don't want you to feel like a caged animal where you are not supposed to. We just want to help.¨ I actually believed him. I told him what happened to me and he thought about it. ¨Did they ever catch him?¨

¨No, I told them who or rather what it was. They just called me crazy.¨

¨Who was it?¨ He asked curiously. After I told him who it was he got a look of some emotion I didn't know.

¨Demons don't exist. I'm sorry, but it had to have been a person to kill your parents.¨

I scoffed. ¨I knew you'd say that.¨

¨It's true.¨ He stated. After he said that I couldn't take it anymore. I leapt up and attacked him. He obviously came prepared. He stuck the needle in my neck and I fell limp against him. He gently lay me down on the bed and covered me up. Once again I fell into a black abyss, only this time I wasn't alone. He took advantage of my darkness.

He came for me.

A/N- Sorry it's short. comment and vote. thanks for reading.

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