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Couldn't come up with a name, so I just put #8. Sorry.

¨I told you I would help get you out. Now you have to pay the price.¨ He said and took out his knife and cut down the inside of my left elbow down. ¨Until next time.¨ He laughed.

I immediately woke up and reached for my arm. My hand pulled back and was covered in blood. Again I knew I had to get help, but didn't want to go to a hospital for fear of being locked up again. I quickly turned on the light and got up to walk over to Lizzie. She was already awake though and she was looking at me with wide eyes. ¨We have to get you to a hospital!¨ She exclaimed.

¨No, there is a healer down the road, I saw the sign as we passed. Come on or I'll pass out sooner.¨ As we walked down the dark street at four in the morning, I began to feel light headed. ¨There it is. Over there hurry.¨ We started walking as fast as I could go, and made it to the door. I slumped against the wall next to the door and started going in and out of consciousness. I was beginning to hate this place a lot. Lizzie pounded on the door until someone finally opened it. He was tall, very tall. He had blackish brown hair and blue eyes. He looked familiar to me and I didn't know why.

¨Can you help her please. Please, she's hurt and needs help. PLEASE!!¨ Lizzie screamed.

¨Okay, okay. What happened? Can you stand?¨ He asked in a rush.

I tried to open my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. ¨I'll take that as a no. Come on.¨ He said as he put his arm under my arms and his left arm under my knees. He picked me up like I was nothing, and carried me in the shop. He the arm of my jacket off and looked at my cut. His eyes grew bigger than I've ever seen before.

¨What, what's wrong with her? Can you fix it?¨ She panicked.

¨She'll be fine. Watch her while I go get my stuff.¨ He walked out of the room and returned a few minutes later with stuff piled high in his arms. He came over with some alcohol and wipes and wiped it down. I whimpered a little bit and he noticed and tried to console me. ¨It's going to be alright, I promise. You just need it cleaned up and some stitches.¨ After about fifteen minutes he was done and went to get me something. ¨Here eat this and drink some water. It will help you get better sooner.¨ He handed me a sandwich and some water.

¨How did it happen?¨ He questioned and I looked at him quizzically, so he added. ¨I mean how did you get those scars?¨ He asked while lowering his head. Only then did I realize who he was. He had the same scars as me and one of the was fresh, like it just happened.

¨Dimitri Black?¨ I whispered. His head popped up as if he knew who I was.

¨How do you know me? I haven't even told you my name.¨ He seemed worried.

¨No, the only reason I know you is because of the person who killed my parents. He said I should look for you. Said I would know you when I saw you, because every scar I have, you have to. He visits me in my sleep and I can't escape. He hurts me like he hurt my parents. Only this time he is dragging out my death, unlike theirs.¨ I didn't know why I told him all of that, but it just seemed to flow from my mouth.

¨Lindsay Cameron? He told me to find you to. And same with my parents and me.¨ He sounded surprised. ¨Now that I have we've found each other, what should we do?¨

I shrugged. ¨I don't know, unless we can put details from our parents' murder together. Why it happened, how it happened. I don't really know.¨ We sat in silence for a moment and Lizzie coughed.

¨Maybe we should get back to the hotel now that you're okay.¨ She added quietly. ¨We can come back tomorrow and discuss thing.¨

¨Yeah that would be the better thing to do. Sorry that this happened, I didn't want to wake you.¨

¨Trust me, you didn't do anything wrong. I was awake already cleaning this up. The same one you got.¨ He said gesturing towards our arms. ¨Maybe you could stay here while we try to figure this out. So in case you get hurt again, you won't have to go to a hospital. I know how it works, they call you crazy and keep knocking you out with sedatives. So it's and offer if you want to think about it.¨ He said shyly, and his British accent just makes it that much more cute.

¨I will think about it, thank you. I'll let you know by tomorrow and we can arrange payments and stuff like that.¨

¨You won't be making any payments. You can stay here free as long as we find this bastard and kill him. Now go get some rest.¨ He smiled and I felt warm inside. That was the first guy to not make fun of me for my scars, maybe it's because he had his own I don't know, but it was nice.

¨Well, if we do stay we will help buy groceries at least.¨ I stated as a fact and didn't give him a chance to argue. ¨Now Lizzie and I must go discuss this matter appropriately.¨ I said in my best British accent.

¨Okay my lady, you do that and tell me the results when you've finished." He added back just as sarcastically. We both laughed hysterically at what we had just done and I must say it felt good to laugh again. I felt more at ease with him for some reason. I walked out the door waving back over my shoulder and left.

¨What was that about?¨ Lizzie laughed.

¨I don't really know.¨ I smiled.

We began discussing if we would take Dimitri up on his offer. We decided we would and we would do the grocery shopping and all of that.

~~The next day.

We walked in the shop at six thirty that night and told Dimitri we were going to take him up on his offer. We told him how it was going to go down and what we would do to help and he finally relented. We went upstairs to our new rooms and got settled in and then had supper. While eating supper we discussed what possible connections there could be between us and our parents.

We had pictures and evidence of everything, because I stole mine, I don't know where he got his. ¨See their deaths are exactly the same. They even have the same cuts and stabs. Then there's us. We have the same scars, same cuts at the exact same time. Why is that? What does he want?¨

¨I really don't know, but I think we should call it a night. I'm going to take a nice long hot shower.¨ I sighed and grabbed some close from my room and headed to the bathroom. I let the water run down my skin as I contemplated it all and none of it was good.

I got out of the shower and got into a tank top and short shorts. I walked into the living room which was dark and bumped into someone. He flicked on the light and turned to face me. ¨I'm sorry I didn't think you were coming out here.¨ He said.

¨Dimitri you scared the living crap out of me. And yes I was just going to my room. It's right behind you.¨

¨Night Lindsay.¨

¨Goodnight Dimitri.¨ the next thing he did was so sudden and fast I didn't have time to think. He grabbed my waist pulled me to his chest and kissed my cheek. He pushed me into my room and I lay on the bed thinking about it. My cheek was tingling and it was a good tingle. Where his hands were on my hips was now cold without his touch. I lay in bed thinking about it the whole time with a smile on my face. What just happened? Did I like that or want that to happen?

A/N— Cliff hanger. Sorry guys. Thanks for reading it. Comment and vote. It means the world to me.

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