Chapter ~4~

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Nightmare , even if he treat his team like his slaves , he still loves them like his family (or child ) . When the boss saw Killer almost dead , he skip a heart beat. "LET KILLER GO A**HOLE!" Nightmare scream even if he knows it's just gonna bring attention to them but he felt pure anger that Nightmare actually didn't care .

"How about a no ?" The tone that Ink take was so annoying and pretentious that the whole team start to boiled out of anger "What do you mean no ?" Blue smirks "Were gonna keep him, if you want him back , well , come get him !" And with that being said , they teleported away .
"Ki-Killer..." Cross was on the verge of crying .Dust put is hand on Cross shoulder "Don't worry , we will get him back " Horror step next to them "You know Killer, he will be fine " "FoR NOw, lEts Go hOMe"

After going to the castle , they all went to Nightmare office."So boss, what are we going to do" Ask Horror . The boss was thinking he actually had no idea what to do . Suddenly, he got a plan on what to do "Ok first we have to find the star sanses base , then , someone should spy on them just the time to know the plan of their base and we attack. Understand?". Everybody nodded.

The rest of the day was moron and sad , Killer was always there to cheer up everyone or annoye them .His presence was missing . After eating the meal , they all went to their room , trying to sleep on the pain of losing a friend even if they know that they had a chance to get him back.

Hey ,
I'm really sorry for not posting but I didn't have any ideas TwT.

For the next chapter you will see what's happening on Killer side.

Bye !

309 words

Do you love me ? ~A Criller (Cross x Killer) story~Where stories live. Discover now