CanMex | My Hand Is Cold.

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-okay, see you!
Mexico smiled and blushed after seeing the message that was sent from his best friend Canada. They were gonna go on a straw in the snow! It's nothing much, but Mexico was excited.

He had a crush on the taller male for a few years now. He was really jealous when Canada announced that he and Ukraine are dating tho.

They didn't last long, so that made the Mexican feel relieved. He still had hope, even though he was scared to confess, he didn't wanna break their friendship apart just because he has strong feelings for the other.

Mexico was laying down on his bed, in thoughts.

Should he tell him when they're out?
No, that's a bad idea.
But he couldn't just let it be like that he has to-

*Ding dong*

The Mexican jumped up and a stupid grin was on his face, knowing who was at the door. He got up from the bed and putted on his scarf and his beautiful sombrero and went to open the door to the Canadian waiting for him in the cold weather.

When he opened the door, his grin grew wider and his cheeks flushed a little when he saw the taller male's handsome face.

Canada was wearing a sweater where it said "Maple syrup♡", a scarf with Mexico's flag on it- oh yeah. They gifted eachother scarfs that matched the other country's flag as a Christmas present so Mexico was wearing a scarf with Canada's flag. And let's not forget that Canada was also wearing his typical raccoon hat that was a gift from Mexico.

They hugged eachother while grinning. They were happy to see eachother after so long. They were only able to text, because of Canada being away for the whole summer with his family in Hawaii.

They pulled away, still smiling. A little blush on both of their faces.

They started walking around, at first not being able to say anything but enjoy the other's company.

The Mexican finally decided to break the silence though-
" was your vacation?" he asked looking up at the maple loving country. Canada just shrugged, "It would have been better if you were there too." he said his cheeks turning into a shade of pink as he looked down at the country next to him.

The Mexican's face was almost as red as tomato as the other said that. He looked away so the other doesn't see though.

After a few minutes they started getting more talkative and started discussing various topics and laughing at some stupid shit they did in the past or at how much of a simp America is for a specific super tall country.


"My hand is cold." Mexico suddenly said, his hand shaking from the cold. Canada looked down at the other's white hand that had red stripes on his index finger and green stripes on his little finger.

Canada blushed and hesitantly took the shorter's small hand into his bigger ones bringing warmth to Mexico.

Mexico felt someone else's hand holding his and looked down and right back up at the road, blushing furiously. He didn't say anything, he just stopped walking.

"You know what?"
"For some reason my lips are starting to get cold too."


In my notes it's 2000 or sum characters and here is just 500+ words wow.

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