USSRxUK | Please don't leave.

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Angst 🥳

17 year old UK and USSR were laying on the bed together in the Union's room. It was locked so the Russian empire (aka Soviet's dad) or some kind of maid doesn't barge in.

They were cuddling, in silence, enjoying the other's company. They would share a quick kisses here and there and that would be it, but it made them happy atleast. They didn't have much left for eachother anyways.

You see, Britain's dad arranged him a marriage with the princess of the French Empire. Even though these two were enemies, their two kids were like butt and pants and they thought they would fit perfectly together. When the UK heard about this he just stood there, terrified.

He and Soviet have been secretly dating and when he was about to come out to his dad, he just came with the news on him. Now Britain and his tall boyfriend were just spending the last few days together as much as possible before they get seperated. Probably forever.

"I don't want you to go.." Soviet mumbled In the British man's ear, "me too, Sov. Me too," the shorter snuggled into Ussr's chest. The Soviet Union kissed the top of Britain's face trying to keep away his tears. He wanted to stay with him forever, they were going to. Why did all of that had to happen?..


They kissed for the last time. It was time for the United Kingdom to go. The kiss was full of love and honesty, they didn't wanna pull away, but they had to because they also need breath,
"I love you, Soviet." Britain said, few tears running down his cheeks, making the USSR tear up as well.

"I love you too, Britain." He said finally a tear getting out of it's prison and run down the red cheeks.

And just before you know it, the United Kingdom has gone out of sight.

That broke the tall man. It was unfair.

It was not supposed to end this way.


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