NK x China | Back from work

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Idk if I should say "kind" (like one line) NSFW??? But yeah lol- it's mostly fluff
(This was intended to be smut+fluff but I was lazy for the smut basically)

North Korea was finally back from work. China jumped up from the couch at the sound of the door for the living room opening revealing a slightly shorter person with an white eyepatch that had a red star in the middle, and a very handsome face. God, did China missed this handsome face. He grinned at the man in front of him, and jumped on him wrapping his legs around his waist and snuggling in the crook of his neck. North just chuckled and dropped his bag on the floor so he can wrap his hands on the taller man's back, hugging him and protecting him from falling off.

"Did you miss me that much?" The Korean asked as he rubbed the other's back gently. He received a mumbled 'yes' from the red stared country and he smiled at his cuteness. He started walking towards the couch, China still In his arms. He sat down as now China was on his boyfriend's lap, his butt dangerously close to North Korea's clothed member.

The Chinese man finally looked up to look at the Korean's face, hint of pink across his cheeks as he put his arms around North's neck leaning in and gently kissing him and the Korean happily returned the kiss. It was a slow and tender kiss, just how they both liked it. They slowly moved away as their cheeks were flushed red (even though it wasn't visible for China cuz his skin is red with just like 5 yellow stars or something). They smiled to eachother and China went back into snuggling into his boyfriend's shoulder.

Oh god, North did miss this feeling. His clingy boyfriend in his arms again. He was gone for two months and he couldn't want anything more than to just tackle his boyfriend and showering him with kisses. "You're adorable." He said under his breath but just enough for the Chinese man to hear and grin, his cheeks growing warmer.

Soon enough China fell asleep on his Korean boyfriend's shoulder. North just kissed him on the top of his head and put his own head on China's, using him like a pillow, just like China used his shoulder as one and falling asleep. He was exhausted but in the end of the day he still got to hold his boyfriend after what felt like ages.


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