Chapter 14 - Path's Crossed

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As the small flecks of dust finally came to settle on the concrete ground that stretched in front of me, my eyes began to focus on the world around me once more. The air was stagnant and thick from the heat of the summer's sun, it was eerily quiet in the room, unable to find any recognisable sound. Not from the cars driving along the road that stretched across the ground of this once busy property, nor the sound of the animals that now occupied the space, in which to build their own sanctuary in what was left when abandoned. It was like the walls had been sound proofed, in order to protect the outside world of the goings on within the structure. The pain and suffering that was endured within these four walls, memories of those moments painted on each surface, etched into the corners of the rooms. Preserving everything so delicately, it was like I was walking through a museum that I couldn't understand. I understood the importance of what remained and why they had been protected for so long, but I didn't know what they were. A memory from someone else that I couldn't tap into but allowed me to see like a spectator, and the materials left cascaded about the place. Presumably from the last legal occupants of the land, lying in wait to be claimed but never were.

Where I stood, sat stains of dried-up liquids on the floor with a sort of reddish tinge to it, although the origin of the liquid is still a mystery. Anyone could make an easy bet as to what they were. As the shadows and darkness that enveloped the room left little to no room for certainty to what had happened, nor when it came to details of where I was, all I could do was try my hardest to let my eyes adjust to the atmosphere. Searching across the room from where the voice I heard when I entered came up empty, it was too dark to see anything, too large an area to make out faces. Even if the light was able to sneak past the cracks of the warped wood that covered each window, who knows if I would be able to see anything that would be of use to me.

Confusion lay bare and evident on my face, questioning if I had actually heard anything at all, or if it was my mind making the silence into something. Desperate attempts in my mind to see y/n stood right in front of me, or for some explanation for her where abouts at least, but atlas nothing noteworthy came to view.

As I stood there, I heard footsteps begin to approach me from the other side of the room, squinting my eyes to make out any outlines of a person or even an animal at least to put my mind at rest. He spoke again. An icy chill ran up my spine, not because I recognised the voice but from the words spoken out of this monster's mouth.

'I'm glad you've joined us. For a second there I actually thought I picked the wrong girl'. He chuckled sadistically as he continued in his stride, not once faltering in his movements as he eventually decreased the distance between us.

Although I couldn't see much of him, I had a violently-sickening feeling in my stomach that I was in the right place, that this. This is where I needed to be. That he was talking about y/n. Making every thought that drowned out the world even more vivid, my desperation to find her stronger than ever before and my violence to anyone who stood in my way more toxic and dangerous. The need to have her safe in my arms over whelming to the point of dizziness, she was like a drug for my body to survive, and without her I couldn't hear or think straight. She had captivated me in a way I hoped to never understand.

'What have you done with y/n!' I spat out like venom in my mouth. Staring straight into him, there was no hesitation in him, no caution when approaching me. He stood at my height, dressed in a fitted charcoal grey suit, tailored perfectly to his body. He didn't look like I was stood in the same room as him, there were no visible dirt on him, as if he repelled it away from him. Like nothing on this earth could touch him. I knew then that there were more people around us, lying in wait for my reaction, so they could protect the man stood in front of me. As if it were their lives mission to do so.

This also meant that y/n wasn't with us either.

But I kept myself in check, reluctant to take a step forward, but refusing to move backwards either. If this was going to come down to it, I would fight to my last breath to protect her.

'What ever do you mean?' he glides across the floor, circling me without looking away.

'Where is y/n!' I scream louder than I ever have before. My emotions holding me hostage, my pain shining through my voice like the sun through the clouds on a gloomy day.

'I don't want her, I never did. I was just using her to get to what I actually wanted. You. It's just lucky for me that I know here and she was the that you chose her to dig your filthy claws into' A flicker of disgust spat out of his mouth, along with the words that left my mind spiralling out of control with questions and confusion.

They know each other???? Y/n knows this guy? How could she possibly know a person like this. What could have happened in her life for their paths to cross, why does she know him? Did she know him from her child hood?

The obvious question I should be asking flying straight over my head, he didn't want anything to do with her, it was me this guy wanted. But I was so caught up on y/n, that I completely skimmed over the part where he actually told me what he wanted. Me. How could I not have seen this? She was all I could think about, she laced every thought, every memory with her beauty. Her kindness enveloping every part of my life, squeezing me to insanity without even knowing it. How had this woman I barely knew take me like this, re-written every part of my being, with no promise of letting me go unharmed.

'Where is she? What have you done to her?' I scream, hoping the intensity of my voice gave him enough reason to tell me what I wanted to hear.

'I don't care about her! What I care about is getting it back from you!' His stare into my eye chilling me to my very core.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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