Chapter 4

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Your POV:

'Oh could I be the sky on the Fourth of July?'

While Bev is changing into her pajamas, me and Hil are downstairs stock-piling on snacks and drinks. We have two giant bowls of popcorn, one is buttered popcorn and the other is kettle corn. We have tons of candy, a family sized bag of Doritos and a family sized bag of potato chips. We also have three bottles of sprite, three bottles of Dr. Pepper, and three bottles of Coke. A bottle of each drink for each of us. Bev comes downstairs wearing her pajamas, which are identical to mine and Hil's, and she helps take the snacks and drinks up to my room. I go to living room and unplug the VCR player and Hil takes it upstairs. ¨What are you girls up to?¨ I hear my mom say as she peaks over the top of her book. ¨Oh nothing just setting up for one of me and Hil's famous sister sleepovers.¨ I say as I unplug the TV, mom gets up and takes the TV and carries it up the stairs and I grab the giant cardboard box full of VHS tapes and take them upstairs to my room. My mom sets the TV on my dresser, which had been cleared off so we could put the TV there. Hil puts the VCR player on my vanity and hooks it up to the TV. She then plugs both the TV and the VCR player into the wall. Me and Bev open the box and start picking out movies to watch. ¨Nightmare on Elm?¨ Bev asks as she looks at me holding up the VHS. ¨Maybe. What about The Outsiders?¨ I say and Hil chimes in and says, ¨Uhm, we are definitely watching The Outsiders! Those greasers are hotter than the hottest day of summer in California!¨ she grins and we all start laughing. My mom smiles and goes to leave the room, ¨Hey mom, do you want join our sister sleepover?¨ I ask as I smile at my mom. ¨I might join you guys later but what do you girls want for dinner?¨ mom asks and I look at Hil, and Hil looks at Bev, and Bev looks at me, and in unison we all shout, ¨PIZZA!¨ We all start laughing so hard we could hardly breath. My mom smiles, ¨Ok, pizza it is, cheese, pepperoni, or meat lovers?¨ mom says and Hil says, ¨Cheese please.¨ and me and Bev nod in agreement. Mom nods and goes back downstairs and Hil shuts the door. ¨So Y/n, are you gonna tell Bev about the whole Stan thing?¨ Hil says as she grins. My face turns pink and Bev looks at me as her jaw drops. ¨Did you ask him out?¨ Bev asks. ¨No he asked me out, he's taking me on a mystery date this Saturday at 6:00pm.¨ I say as I smile. ¨Awww, that's so cute!¨ Bev says as she smiles. Then the phone rings, and I get up making a mad dash but sadly Hil gets to it before me. ¨Hello Y/l/n residence, how may I help you?¨ Hil says and when the person replied she plasters a grin on her face that only a sister knows the meaning behind. ¨Hillary! Give me the phone please!¨ I say as I look at her and she just chuckles. ¨Why yes, she is here? ... What's that? ... you wanna talk to her? ... sure thing, here she is now.¨ Hil says and then hands me the phone, ¨It's Stan. He wants to talk to you!¨ she says, grinning as her and Bev start laughing. I put the phone to my ear. ¨Hello?¨ I say as I smile. ¨Hi Y/n, was that Hillary?¨ the all-too-handsome curly haired Jewish boy asks. ¨Yea me, Hil, and Bev are having a sister sleepover so." I say as I chuckle and then I look at Bev and Hil who are both making kissy faces and blowing kisses and drawing air hearts. I roll my eyes and flip them off. ¨Oh that sounds fun,¨ Stan says, slightly disappointed. ¨Something wrong?¨ I ask, frowning slightly at the sound of his disappointment. ¨No I'm fine, you still coming to the barrens tomorrow?¨ he asks, sounding hopeful. ¨Definitely! What time and where are we meeting?¨ I say, smiling. ¨Richie and Bill are meeting at Eddie's house but I'm just gonna meet everyone at the barrens, do you wanna go to the barrens together?¨ he explains. ¨Sure we can meet outside my house tomorrow around lunch time.¨ I say. ¨Sure, see you tomorrow, Ma Fraise.¨ he says. ¨Yeah see you tomorrow Care Bear.¨ I say as I smile, ¨Bye, Stan.¨ ¨See ya, Y/n.¨ he says and I hang up the phone. ¨So? What did he say?¨ Bev asks. ¨Yea you did say you wanted to have boy talk, so that's what we can kick this sleepover off with.¨ Hil exclaims with a grin. ¨Well, he was making sure I wasn't bailing on the losers about going to the barrens tomorrow. Then we agreed on me and him meeting outside our house tomorrow around lunch time so me and him can bike to the barrens together. So yeah.¨ I say, feeling my face heat up. ¨That's the cutest thing ever!¨ Bev says smiling and Hil nods in agreement. ¨Anyways, Bev, why don't you tell us about that thing you have Bill.¨ I say grinning. ¨I have no idea what your talking about.¨ Bev says as her face turns pink. ¨Oh! So Bev has a crush too!¨ Hil says as she wiggles her eyebrows. ¨Girls! Pizzas here!¨ We hear my mom yell and we all race downstairs all going for the same thing, pizza. We all fall down the stairs but were all laughing to hard to be in pain. We then get up and pretend like it never happened, as we all grab ourselves a plate.


(French Translation: Ma Fraise means My Strawberry.)

Fourth of July (Stanley Uris x female!! reader)Where stories live. Discover now