Chapter 7.2

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Grigori watched his Master take another sip of wine. He seemed incredibly pleased with how things were progressing.

"It won't be much longer now, my friend. Joan and Gabriël are being kept apart. No doubt the girl will do something rash to get to her lover."

"She is smart, Master," Grigori said. "She may find a way to remain undiscovered."

"Hmm, perhaps. But when it concerns matters of the heart, mistakes are easily made. And it would not be the first time someone underestimated the Lord Protector. He will find them, and he will act. Inform our general to prepare himself for the attack. He will be glad of it."

Grigori bowed and left. He knew where to find the Borgia Bastard. Ever since the Master had rewarded him with the Howard slave girl, he had barely left his chamber. It seemed that, once more, he allowed a woman to control his actions. He would never learn.
The shadows inhabiting the dark corridors followed Grigori as made his way through to Borgia's chamber. He was reluctant to speak to the man, yet had to follow his Master's instructions. He knocked on the large, black doors and waited. The executed Queen of England opened the door to him. Grigori tried his best not to look directly at her, as she only wore a black see-through negligee.

"Mistress Howard, is signore Borgia with you? I have a message from the Master."

"No, he is not," Katheryn Howard said, twirling her hair around a finger. "He insisted on gathering his men to... um... do something. I'm not sure what; I wasn't paying attention. You can leave the message with me, and I will deliver it to him."

"With all due respect, Mistress, these orders need to be given to signore Borgia himself."

"Oh... Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon. You can come in and keep me company."

Before he could refuse her offer, she grabbed his wrist to guide him inside the chamber. There were candles lit everywhere, a fresh bowl of fruit, and a crystal carafe of red wine. Grigori remained standing as the slave girl sat in a chair and began playing with her hair.

"Are you really going to stand there until Lord Borgia returns?" she asked.

"Yes, I believe that would be best."

She pressed her lips together disapprovingly. Clearly, little Kitty Howard still believed herself a Queen, even though she was less than nothing now. Yet, she could be dangerous. She had managed to climb her way up to the palace, after all. Grigori wondered if the Master had not made a mistake in giving her to Borgia.

"What are you doing here?"

Grigori turned to Borgia's deep voice. A pair of dark eyes flashed between him and the Howard girl.

"Forgive the intrusion, signore," Grigori said. "The Master has sent me. He wishes to inform you that the time to attack is drawing nearer."

"It seems that is all you do, monk. Deliver messages."

Grigori did not react. He knew the man was trying to taunt him. Besides, he wasn't worth the effort.

"I trust your strike team is ready?" he inquired.

"Don't worry yourself about my team," Borgia responded sharply. "We are prepared to attack the moment the Master gives us the order."

"Very well. I shall inform him accordingly."

He made to leave the room, but Borgia blocked him before he could pass the doors.

"There is one thing I am curious about," he said.

"Signore?" Grigori raised a brow.

"How far gone is he? Gabriël? Has he screwed his girl whilst the poison was rushing through him? Has he attacked anyone? Surely he must have."

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