Chapter 11.2

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Michael locked himself in his rooms. The stone winged lions guarding the entrance of his home growled at anyone coming near the steps so no one would disturb him. Using Heaven's Fire had taken its toll on his body and strength. That he had used it on Gabriël weighed heavy on his heart.
Most of all, Michael blamed himself for what had happened. If he had not allowed him to be Joan's guardian, he wouldn't have been at the Gates the day of the attack. They wouldn't be where they were now. Another creature conceived by darkness... Could it get any worse? 
That wasn't on Gabriël, though. Michael refused to believe he would have let himself fall prey to such primal urges. And even if Gabriël did need such release, there were billions of people to choose from on Earth. No, there was only one true culprit to look at who'd let his friend into temptation, like Eve did Adam. Having Gabriël weakened just made it easier for Joan to wind him around her finger. She knew such relations were forbidden yet still beguiled him into lying with her. For that, Michael hated her more than ever. 

He turned in his bed, noticing his pillow was wet with tears. Tears that had been shed in silence. Michael would never admit it, but he cared more for Gabriël than anyone would ever guess. They had shared everything together. Good times, bad times, and everything in between.
A long time ago, when Michael lost it all, it was Gabriël who had been there for him. Since then, they had kept each other from harm and stood side by side to lead the Vale into a prosperous age. How could he have failed so immensely?

Michael closed his eyes, trying to let his mind come to rest. A memory resurfaced. He was in the training room. Gabriël stood before him. His bare chest looked as if it had been cut out of smooth marble, sculpted to perfection, and his face angelic as always. The shadow hidden in his ocean blue eyes only accentuated them. 
He remembered the feeling of Gabriël's hand touching his face. And Gabriël's lips, pressed on his own. It hadn't surprised Michael that they had been soft. And even though he had sensed the darkness within, there'd been a brief second that Michael thought Gabriël had found out what he truly felt for him. What a fool he was.
Michael opened his eyes, hoping the image would disappear, yet it lingered stubbornly. He got up from his bed, walked over to the alabaster washbasin and splashed ice-cold water in his face.

I must not allow myself to think of him in such a manner, he thought, water dripping back into the basin. Last time, the love I had for someone destroyed me. I will not allow it to happen again. Nor will I allow you to lose your way, Gabriël. I will bring you back to us... to me.


The torchlight flickered in a gust of wind, causing shadows to dance inside the catacombs. Gabriël stood with his back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. He raised his eyes to Michael as the Lord Protector entered. It frankly surprised him Michael hadn't come sooner. But when he saw the way Michael kept his distance, he understood. The apprehension in the other Archangel's expression said it all. Michael likely wondered if he had lost his memories. He counted on it, no doubt.

"How do you feel?" asked Michael. "Do you remember anything?"

"Were you hoping I didn't?" Gabriël scoffed. "Sorry to disappoint you."

"I did not mean it like that."

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't," replied Gabriël mockingly.

"You cannot blame me for wanting to heal you. I did what I had to."

Gabriël rolled his eyes. The fact this man had ever been his friend sickened him. 

"What do you want from me this time, Lord Protector? Or have you just come to gloat?"

"I am concerned for you, Gabriël."

"Oh, please, don't make me laugh. You came to see if I'd lost my memories. Then you could fabricate some story about why I was in here."

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