You're a Long Way From Home

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3rd Person POV

Hope is walking through the streets of New Orleans late at night eating a beignet when she stops. "You're a long way from home." She says, tossing the beignet on the ground and turning around to face Cleo

"You're not an easy person to find." Cleo says. "I came to talk."

"So now are the other people getting into position around me gonna join the conversation?" Hope asks. "You can come out now." She calls to the others. The Super Squad (minus Lizzie) position around Hope – Josie with a look of anger in her eyes and Sadie with a look of sadness upon seeing her best friend. "This looks like the worst album cover of all time." Hope snarks. "I'm gonna give you all the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't get my message. Maybe it was too subtle." She snarks at Josie

"As angry as I am about what you did to my dad, we're here to help." Josie says

"Well, that's noble." Hope says. "But 14 hours in a van, that was the best you can come up with? Bringing the traitor along wasn't a good idea, either." She says, looking at Kaleb

"Don't let her get to you." MG says. "She's just trying to provoke us."

"You should have kept your stupid Squad out of my sight." Hope says, her fangs out

"Hope, listen to us. It doesn't have to happen this way." Cleo says

"No, it doesn't. But on the other hand, it kind of sounds like fun." Hope says with a mischievous smile

Hope chants a spell and everyone is blasted back. She kills Kaleb and MG, staking the vampires in the heart. Jed is up next, she fights him and rips his heart from his chest, dropping him to the ground

Hope turns to Ethan who goes invisible. "You can run." Hope says, listening. "But you can't hide." She says, slicing his head off and killing him

"Ad somnum." Josie chants and Hope falls to the ground

"Just kidding." Hope says, standing up from the ground and killing Josie. Sadie walks into view. "And what are you going to do, Brid?" Hope snarks, firing the nickname the two girls normally get as an insult

"This isn't you." Sadie says

"Talking it out? Seriously?" Hope scoffs. Hope chants a spell, her magic wrapping around Sadie's neck and pulling the blonde close. "You know...if you had your magic, maybe you wouldn't be so useless." She tells Sadie before snapping her neck and Sadie falls limp to the ground. Hope turns to Cleo. "This is about what I expected from them. But you? I expected more. You know there's a weapon that can kill me. Why haven't you told them about it yet? Incendia." Hope chants, shooting fire at Cleo and killing her

...Cleo screams, being the last one to be pulled from the therapy box...

"Okay, so what's that?" Kaleb asks. "Hope 17, Squad zero?"

The bell rings. "We're gonna be late for class." MG says

"You okay?" Kaleb asks Cleo

"Yes, thank you." Cleo says as Kaleb, Ethan, Jed, and MG make their way out of the gym

"Cleo?" Josie asks. "What happened after we all died?"

"The usual." Cleo stammers her answer

"Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Josie says. "There has to be a way."


"Milton Greasley?" The teacher calls attendance

"Here." MG answers, him and Jed turning around to talk to Kaleb and Wade

Sadie Auburn //Book Four// - Legacies (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now