dreams about his friend

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chapter four: dreams about his friend

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chapter four: dreams about his friend

Y/N'S P.O.V.


Just as you're about to leave Jean's place he takes you by the hand and leads you to his kitchen. "I want to show you something," he says with a grin as you are led into the room. He then stops on the opposite side of his kitchen island table from you and looks quite proud about something.

"What's going on?" you laugh as you look around.

"Right in front of you!" he replies as he points to the island table. "I cleared it off just for you!"

"Oh? You mean for us?" you smirk.

Jean walks back towards you and slides his arm around your waist. "Yeah," he nods before kissing you gently, "just for us. I just need to get one more thing and it'll be all ready."

But just before you're about to ask what it could possibly be, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," you say with a smile on your face as you run up to the door. However, it fades almost immediately the second you see a girl with short blonde hair smile back at you.

"Hi, there! I'm looking for Jean Kirstein! Is he home?" she asks as she attempts to look around you.

"Yeah, one sec," you smile fakely. "I'll go get him for you."

The second you close the door and spin around, Jean tosses you your car keys and phone. "You gotta go, Y/N, like now!"

"What, why? Is that your sister or something?" you ask, trying to play dumb to get him to tell you what's going on. However, the serious look on his face tells you he's not fucking around.

"Now's not the time, Y/N," he says in a hurry as he places his hands on your arms and shuffles you across the room.

"Is everything okay?" you ask, now a bit confused. He's never double-booked you with any 'others' before.

"Goddammit! Stop asking so many freaking questions, Y/N! I just met this girl, okay?!"

"Is it the girl from a few days ago?" you ask, trying to figure out if this is something serious or not.

"No! God, I forgot all about her- No, this one's even better than-"

"What?" you interrupt.

"Seriously, you gotta go!"

He practically shoves you to his side door. You stop fighting back and walk across the side of his lawn to your car where you can watch as he hugs the blonde. He places his hands around her and kisses her on the cheek. You groan, your stomach turning in knots as you slump around your steering wheel. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? You should just tell him...


It's now or never, you tell yourself. You've finally convinced yourself that it's time to confess to Jean about the feelings that have been plaguing your brain these past weeks. He'll probably reject you, but it's alright because it needs to be done.

When you arrive at his house and knock on the door, it creaks open. You think that's quite strange- he always locks it. You then walk in slowly and call out his name. There's no response, but instead, you hear something crash from somewhere in the back of the house.

Worried, you rush across the house and slam open his bedroom door. There, your body completely freezes. You find Jean squished under two girls that look the exact same. One of them is riding his waist. His hands gripping hard against her ass tells you all you need to know about that situation. But what catches your gaze more is Jean's face buried deep in the other blonde's pussy. And that's when you realize- it's the same short-haired blonde that you saw when he shoved you out of his house the other day. So that's why he was obsessed with her... he was trying to get with her and her twin sister.

It's not long until one of the girls notices you and screams. Both of them then jump off Jean and cover themselves up with the clothes that were previously tossed carelessly aside.

Jean sits up and notices you as well. "Shit," he mutters to himself as he reaches for his pants. He slides them on quickly before ushering you out of the room.

"What are you, crazy? What the hell are you doing here?" he whispers sternly.

"I heard something break so I came to make sure you were alright. I didn't know what was going on," you reply honestly.

"Of course I'm fine. It was only the lamp, Y/N. But I meant, like, why are you here, here?"

Your face heats up when you realize that now's your moment. "I needed to talk to you about something."

His face softens at your comment. "What is it?" he asks quietly.

"I just wanted to talk about us," you admit, prolonging the inevitable since this will probably be the last time you talk to him.

"Wha- What about us?"

"I know it's stupid considering how much of a douchebag you are, but somehow I ended up catching feelings for you, and I didn't really know how to tell you that until I decided to just go for it," you explain in word-vomit style.

"I-" he begins before stopping himself. "Look, I don't want to lie to you, Y/N. I already knew how you felt but we both talked about this. We both agreed not to get feelings involved."

"I know! Trust me, I didn't mean for this to happen. I know I screwed things up, but can you blame me? I mean, did you ever have feelings for me?" you ask, already knowing the answer is most likely 'no'. "Please be honest, because I need to know whether to stay or move on."

Just as Jean opens his mouth to answer, one of the now half-naked girls places her hand on his shoulder. "Jean, baby, are you coming back?"

"Oh, you're the girl from the other day," the second twin recognizes you. "This isn't your girlfriend, right?"

"If she is, she can join us if she wants," the other shrugs as she eyes you up and down.

"No," Jean interrupts, staring you dead in the eyes. "She was just leaving."

You narrow your eyes at the jackass you somehow miraculously fell for before walking out with not another word. Why would you? There's absolutely nothing else left to say. You've got your answer.


You roll over in bed and your head pounds like you'd just fallen down a flight of stairs. You lift up your phone from under your pillow and see that there are still zero messages from Connie. There hasn't been a single word from him since before you arrived at his birthday on the second of this month. You haven't spoken to him either. The only thing you've even done between then and now is roll out of bed for work. Besides that, you only get out of bed for food and the occasional bathroom break.

You slide on your slippers as you shuffle across your house. When you get to your kitchen, you sit down at your island table. You put your head down and your brain begins to go wild with thoughts of the last time you saw Jean. It was almost exactly one year ago today.

You realize that Jean never gave you an answer to your question that day. He never directly told you whether he did have feelings for you or not, but you suppose you don't need an answer now anyway- it no longer matters. You're happy with Connie, or at least you were before the party.

You pick your arms up and place your elbows on the cold table, head then resting on your hands. You wonder if you had dated Jean, would you have just met Connie now, too? And if that was true, would you have gotten feelings for him instead? You love being with Connie; he makes you laugh and he's nothing short of an absolute gentleman to you, but you just don't know what could have been. If none of this happened, you never would even dream about being with his friend- or anyone for that matter. But what is going through Connie's head right now?

{IN MY HEAD} Jean & Connie x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now