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Taylors POV

"Ok so this next song I wrote while we were at the baseball game about you and it's not really finished but I figured you could hear it anyways. So um this is Everything Has Changed." I say and she nods to assure me.

All I knew this morning when I woke

Is I know something now

Know something now I didn't before

Is green eyes and freckles and your smile

In the back of my mind, making me feel like

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed

And all my walls stood tall, painted blue

And I'll take 'em down, take 'em down

And open up the door for you

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed

Come back and tell me why

I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time

And meet me there tonight

And let me know that it's not all in my mind

I just wanna know you better

Know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"

And your eyes look like coming home

All I know is a simple name

Everything has changed

All I know is you held the door

You'll be mine and I'll be yours

All I know since yesterday

Is everything has changed

As I finish singing, I look up at her. She has tears streaming down her face but she's grinning at me. "Thank you, Tay. That was beautiful," she says leaning in closer to me. I decide to close the gap between us and close my eyes, soaking up the moment. As I pull away, I put my hands on her cheeks wiping away her tears. As she leans her forehead against mine for a few moments, I admire her freckles and the perfect curve of her eyebrows. "You're beautiful," I whisper. She blushes and looks down with a smile. 'Oh god, I'm so head over heels for this girl' I think to myself.

We sit on the beach and watch the sunset. She interlaces our fingers and I lean against her shoulder. "I really needed this, thank you," I say.

"You don't need to thank me. Seriously, I'm happy to do this anytime" she replies pulling me closer.

When it gets dark, we drive back to her house to watch a movie with her family. They all make eye contact with one another as we walk in. I decide not to think too much of it as we both take our seats on the couch.

Karlie's POV

Taylor falls asleep in my arms after about 20 minutes. My mom gives me a knowing look and I smile in response. I promised her I wouldn't do anything too fast. I've been careful to let Taylor make the first move or ask if she was ok with everything. She shifts in her sleep and hugs me a little tighter. I wrap my arms around her protectively and kiss the top of her head. I'm falling for her faster and harder than I want to admit. My family goes up to bed but I decide to stay here and let her rest. Sleep comes quickly for me and I feel completely content in this moment.

In the morning, I wake up first. I want to get up and make coffee and breakfast for us but I don't want her to think I left her if she wakes up while I'm in the kitchen. I draw shapes on her back as I wait for her to wake up. Her eyes flutter open as she mumbles "g'morning".

"Good morning sleepyhead" I respond with a smile and a kiss on her nose. She scrunches her nose with a grin and asks "Breakfast?".

"Do you wanna go to a coffee shop or something? I have a little homework I need to do before we go back to school tomorrow." I reply

"Yeah, that sounds great!"

I bring her back to the cafe we went to the first time we met. Derek greets us again as we walk through the front door. "I see she didn't get scared off by you this time" Derek says playfully. I point Taylor to a table and order a big breakfast for both of us, wanting to surprise her and knowing were gonna be here a while studying.

"So my mom arranged your classes with the school so that our schedules line up." I say, taking a seat.

"Thank you! I really appreciate it" She says genuinely and I can feel her relief.

We sit in comfortable silence as we do our work. She helps me a lot with chemistry and english and I notice how she loses herself in the work. She gets so passionate about The Great Gatsby and her eyes sparkle with excitement when I finally understand. We spend most of the day here, just enjoying each other's company.

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