at the airport

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Friday, April 11th, 2022
vox pov
ok so. shoto, being the idiot he is. didn't think to tell me how long it would take. and i don't even know what time to go to the airport.  or even which airport to go to. i'll try to message him and ask him about it.
ok its been 20 fucking minutes i know this asshole is on his phone. why hasn't he answered me. does he not know how hard it is to find space to drive in stupid airports?! its alwYs crowded.

shoto pov
waking up to the sound of snoring isn't exactly ideal. looking down at my phone i see my notifs piled up. ' 14 notifs from vox ❤️ ' the fuck. why is he messaging me so much? i'll have to check what he was saying.

vox and shoto dms
shoto what airport are you going to land at

shoto answer me


shoto fucking answer me


fucking hell are you deaf?? are your notfits turned off or something.

are you asleep

shoto wake up

shoto cmon.


shoto plss


its been an hour where even are you??


jesus fuck i was asleep.

yea i got that.

sorry ( •̛̣̣꒶̯•̛̣̣ )

its fine love ◡̈. just tell me what airport you're gonna land at.

its the one in london, stansted.

ok. thanks ❤️

np ❤️

narrator pov
vox arriving at the airport about 30 minutes before the plane was going to be there. not that he would even know that. he had completely forgotten to ask shoto. and well. he just wanted to get something to eat. he settled on getting a muffin and a cupcake for them. one sprinkle cupcake with vanilla icing for him and one blue berry muffin for shoto. although he didn't even know if shoto really liked sweets to much. he assumed he did. as its shoto. and shoto just seemed like he would have that sweet tooth.
30 minutes passing by fast, a cupcake already eaten and a muffin in hand. waiting for shoto at one of the gates. but hell, he didn't even know if it was the right one.


shoto pov
finally getting off the plane. after seven goddamn hours. who knew it would take so long to get somewhere. not me i'll tell you that. who am i kidding im not telling anyone this. why am i talking to myself again? oh yea. im insane. makes sense then.

(vox and shoto dms)
you here? im at the second terminal. gate 26.

alright. thanks. i'll be there in a couple minutes


٩̋(๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) 💝

ಇ( ˵ᐛ ˵)ಇ 💘

vox pov
at least now i know what gate he's at. time to walk my sorry ass out of terminal 3 and go to terminal 2. gate 26. gate 26. gate 26. gate 26. ok. don't forget don't forget don't forget. ok off i go. hoping everything goes well. what should i do when i see him? compliment him, maybe. maybe i should hug him. that'd be cute. yea ok hugging him. i'll do those lift up hugs. plan in session.

shoto pov
standing by the gate i wait for vox. with my luggage by my side. waiting. and waiting. then, surprisingly as i keep repeating waiting in my head like some time-bomb. i see him walking over here. phone in one hand. and— a fucking muffin in the other? had he just been eating then? he better save me a bite bruh. i did not just wait 7 hours to get here to not get food.

vox pov
i look up and see shoto blankly staring at me. seemingly in thought. tho lets face it. he was obviously admiring me. i mean who wouldn't? haha. i walk over to him, stuffing my phone in my pants pocket. speed walking over to him. cmon we're still at an airport. im not running. shoto, for the most part, picked up on what i was doing. he started speed walking to me with his suitcase in one hand. as we meet each-others presence i start talking. ' can you hold this muffin real quick? ' 'sureee?' he looked at me with a confused expression. i mean, i'd be confused if i just got handed a muffin by my friend when i just met them. ' why am i holding this exactly ' ' its to eat stupid ' ' yea i got that. ' ' whatever you say, sho. ' ' can we go now? im tired. ' ' aren't you the one who was sleeping the whole time on the flight? ' ' shut up lets just go ' ' ok love ' ' quiet! '

narrator pov
one muffin in shotos hand while the other is in vox hand, while in vox's other hand is shoto's luggage. a calm walk to the car. and frankly, all vox could think was ' that did not in-fact go according to plan. but at least im holding his hand. he has soft hands. nice. '

updated authors note. + updated word count.
hello. another re written chapter done. this ones okay, although i do think i could've done better when first writing it. i just blatently stopped saying ' lol i dont wanna write anymore ' instead of just coming back to it later. which is pretty annoying to be honest. but i gave my all this time around in re writing it! and i hope you enjoyed it. im kinda trying to re write all of them. maybe change the names of them to. i really wanna change this book and the feel of it. it was really plain before and had too much of my personality in it. i had even incorporated how i acted into it when making it all those months ago. which just, is weird to me now. i completely altered there personalities to more fit mine. sure not on purpose but still. anyways. thank you for reading! <3
updated word count 1005
old word count 645

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