lets take a walk, shall we?

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i know i stopped writing in this book but! i wanted to write something again :) and btw, im (sorta) making a new part to my one shots book. i havent updated it in a long time due to issues irl and you know, stuff.
but im trying my best :D! its mysta x shoto btw!
(nothing is really lined up with what happened in the last chapter, sorry :C)

vox and shoto were walking hand in hand as they exited the newly founded café, they had just got coffee and ate. unsure of what to do next, they'd jot down some ideas of what they could do. though the one they picked ended up being.. none of them. one wanted to do one thing and the other wanting to do another. and after bickering for awhile on what to choose they both settled on just going out for some fresh air and taking a walk together, nothing too exciting. but yet calm and peaceful, it felt nice being in each others company. nothing to exciting, but it wasn't boring at all.
it felt calming. vox picked up his phone from his pocket, opened spotify, and played a song. volume being a reasonable amount up.
; now playing valentine by laufey
(check it out!)

as the breeze swiftly passed them vox grabbed shotos hand, holding it gently. here and there rubbing his thumb on shotos palm, caressing it. then letting it go, slowly.

ive rejected affection for years and years...

shoto started 'so.' 'hm?' 'do um do you maybe wanna go back home and cud- cuddle?' they stopped walking for a second, leaving the walk on a stoping point 'of course!' he smiled. oh how he wished he could just kiss shoto sometimes. shotos face tinted with a light blush across his face.

now ive got it and damnit! its kinda of weird..

they continued walking but turned to the direction of where vox's house was, it wasnt to far from the cafe they were just at. as there legs went back and forth walking, shoes hitting the concrete ground every second or two. hair swaying in the wind. as they walked with there hands intertwined swaying to the side, vox let go of shotos hand, swiftly to lean over and kiss the top of his head. he smiled looking at shotos blushing face, he was used to this already, but it felt a but odd having vox hold his hand and look at him like that- his smile was just beautiful. shoto and vox, together, holding hands, walking, admiring eachother, loving eachothers presence.. could this get any better?

he tells me im pretty.. dont know how to respond!

'shoto' eh? 'your hairs in your face' hands brushing against his skin he feels vox's hand move pieces of his hair away from his face and tucking it behind his ears, such a small thing yet it made him smile and turn away from sheer embarrassment. 'you know shou, you're very pretty. ive wanted to say that for a while but you know.' 'oh- oh yeah um thank you vox i think you're pretty to!' they both smiled and continued walking. such a blissful day. nothing could ruin it.

i tell him that he's pretty to.. can i say that? dont have a clue..

they had finally made it to the house. vox's hand moved up from his side and to the door handle, picking out his key and putting it into the key-hole. twisting it to the side and pushing the door open. still not letting go of shotos hand, moving in sync with eachother walking in. closing the door behind them. trying to take off their shoes and jackets, leaving the coats on the coat hanger and vox leaving his shoes just by the door.

with every passing moment i surprise myself
im scared of flies im scared of guys
someone please help!

'come'n darling, don't be to slow now!' vox couldn't help but chuckle while shoto struggled taking off his shoes, his shoelaces were in a knot. sitting on the floor with both hands on his shoe trying to untangle the shoelaces, failing miserably. he looked like as if a child was trying to take off simple velcro shoes. vox feeling a bit bad kneeling down to help shoto with his shoes.. god was he embarrassed.
having to have the guy you like help you with your shoes out of all things! what was he? five!?
'oh, i think i got it!' vox managed to untangle the knot and fix shotos shoes. quickly, shoto stood up kicking off his shoes running over to vox's room, mouthing a quiet 'thank you..'
he was flustered from it. not flustered as in 'omg he was so close to my face we could've kissed! im so flustered!' no, he meant flustered as in 'that was so embarrassing!.. i just wanna hide my face in my hands and never remember this ever again..' type'a flustered.
'what the hell was that?! im not a child! i shouldnt need help to tie my shoes.. god what if vox thinks im incompetent and cant do things for myself?!' shoto falling on the bed in embarrassment hiding his face with the palm of his hands

cause i think ive fallen, inlove this time. i blinked and suddenly i had a valentine.. valentine!

as shoto entered vox's room you could almost immediately see all the poster hung up, band posters, game posters, anime poster etc. it didn't look tacky either. everything was so perfectly placed that it looked like one of those
pinterest rooms that you'd look at to get 'inspo'
from. shoto looked around the room in awe. the room was coated with a dark ruby red colour, a gaming set up displayed, a light up customized sign with the letter 'VOX' in all capitals. although fitting for the demon, it still made shoto wonder.


2:30 pm

vox and shoto were sitting down together on the bed, trying to find the words to say to start a conversation. just moments before they had a full conversation going on, yet now they cant find anything to say. it seemed like —they were in now some awkward phase? as if they were some school couple at their house trying to talk about something, anything. then, as if on cue, vox spoke up.
'so, i know this is kinda awkward. but uh. would you maybe wanna— kiss?' 'vox what the hell we dont talk for like 5 minutes and now you're just like oh yea lets make-out!' 'hey! i said kiss. not make-out. unless you knoww..' playfully shrugging his shoulders up and turning to the purple haired boy. 'no' was worth a shot.' 'but ill take up your offer on that kiss' 'really?' his voice becoming more cheery, as if he was the excited dog now. 'yea yea whatever.'

scooting over and leaning into shoto, he felt shotos lips on his, raising his hand up to caress shoto's cheek with his thumb. both pulling away for a quick second and then going right back in. kiss after kiss after kiss. sure seemed like they were making out now. shoto putting a hand on vox's chest, slowly pulling away and looking at him. 'i said a kiss. not making out you fucking demon.' 'calm down boy. it was just a measly 7-8 kisses. no need to worry about it, darling.' 'shut up..' muffled curses could be heard from shoto. vox chuckling at shoto's actions, lifting up the boys hand and kissing it. slowly looking up into his eyes and smiling. 'wont happen again your highness.'

hello! i wrote this a fair while ago, making it about a month now since i started writing this chapter. i'd been putting it off saying eh ill do it later later seemed to come a bit to late though. seeing as i said this book was done was clearly a lie now. i plan on updating this chapter —maybe. im currently in school trying to fix my grades right now so when i get to fix two bad grades i got, then maybe ill come back to this story if anyone actually liked it. its pretty dumb and i don't really like it that much anymore. i wanted the story to make you excited and get that giddy happy feeling in your chest, like the feeling i'd get if i read a good fanfic. but this fanfic is just not it. if anyone has ANY criticism, please tell me so i can improve on these chapters. i will (most likely) be re-writing some of these chapters that I've written. seeing as i find them to be actual shit. thanks for reading xx


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