Chapter 11 Middle Of Nowhere✔️

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"When she said the middle of nowhere, I didn't think that she actually meant the literal middle of nowhere." I say as we follow Ms. Debbie up a winding dirt road.

We have been driving for a good fifteen minutes and haven't passed a single place that looks like life still exists there. Aside from a couple of cow fields that Drew graciously pointed out.

"The more secluded, the better." Drew says looking over at me when he sees my eyes growing wider at the increasingly isolated surroundings.
"And the more secluded we are, the more privacy that means for you. If we won't have to worry about nosy people watching our every move, then that means you won't have to worry about me watching yours." He adds with a half grin.

"Well, I have to say, just from the looks of it. From what little we have seen so far, most of the people around here enjoy their privacy." I stare out the windshield as Ms. Debbie puts on her blinker.  Drew nods beside of me in agreement, not bothering to turn on his. "Are you not going to use your turn signal?"

"I don't really see much point in it." He shrugs. 

Ms. Debbie finally pulls up to a small house that is pretty similar to her own, minus the plants. It definitely does look like more of a fixer upper, but instead of being turned off by the fact that it is such a stark contrast to what I am used to, I am incredibly intrigued, and my mind begins instantly swarming with possibilities.  Maybe if we have to stay here for awhile in seclusion, I can use all of the time I have on my hands to spruce up this place for the next people who live here.

"I guess this is it." Drew says as we come to a stop."What do you think?"

"I love it." I bite my lip to contain my excitement, surprising myself at how much the place is already growing on me despite not even getting out of the vehicle yet and after sleeping in random ass motels and in the car this place looks like paradise.

"Really?" He asks with a tone and expression that is either one of confusion or amusement.

"Uh-huh, it is so cute." I stare out at it, then back at him.

"Well, close your mouth and quit gawking at it and come on."

It is odd how much has happened in such a short time and how something that I would have most likely scoffed at a few short days ago now seems so appealing. I guess I just know that we have to make the best of it. And this is me trying to do just that. And Drew, well, I don't know how or why he knows what we should do, but somehow I find it extremely comforting that he seems to, even if he is an asshole.


"So what do you two think? Is this a place that you can see yourself raising your family?" Ms. Debbie asks, folding her hands together and looking at us for an answer, seemingly hopeful that we do. 

Drew puts his arm around my waist, awkwardly pulling me closer to him. "Ms. Debbie, I have to be honest with you." He begins, and her smile starts to wane, until he gives her a huge one of his own and says, "We love it."  

"Great." Ms. Debbie bounces clapping her hands, her smile instantly returned. "Let's talk paperwork."


While Drew talks to Ms. Debbie about all of the arrangements for the house, getting the electricity and everything switched to our names, the price, etc., I take the opportunity to slip back outside and look around. It is the first time I have been alone in what feels like forever, and it is nice to have just a few minutes to myself.

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