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Unfortunately Wattpad has begun to remove my work as a result I am—at least temporarily—removing the majority of books from this platform.

For now Protect Me will remain as is. However, if you would like to follow me over on Inkitt I'd greatly appreciate it.

My username there is

If you let me know you have followed me over from here I will be sure to follow you back. ❤️

Unless something changes that will be where you can find any of my  new stories. It will take me a few weeks to get my completed work moved over and things going but you will be able to find everything there soon.

I'm so sad that it has came to this because I truly have a lot of love for this app.

Thank you all so much for your reads and support and I hope you'll continue to do so over on Inkitt as well.

Much love always

- MJ

Protect Me 18+✔️Where stories live. Discover now