Chapter 13

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Diablo woke up the next morning, still feeling tired and his wounds felt achy. His heart still twinged from longing for a kind gargoyle family to come and take him to a new life. But his master said he was the only one of his kind left. But why did he constantly keep on dreaming about other gargoyles?

He turned in his bed when his door opened; his master coming as well as one of his men bringing in a tray of food. Diablo's heart lightened since he was hungry, smiling at the sight of his master.

"I figured to treat you to breakfast in bed, my dear Diablo, if that doesn't make you uncomfortable," Shadow Man greeted, a false sincere smile on his face, still feeling entertained from his gargoyle's submissive behavior. He hoped the beast would never regain his memory, so Diablo would continue to belong to him forever.

Diablo took it, seeing the usual pancakes, eggs and such, stomach growling. "No, it's fine. Thank you, Master. I- didn't think I'd receive much kindness like this." He said softly, but his eyes still felt troubled. Shadow Man saw.

"That must've been difficult for you, sweet one," he murmured. If Shadow Man kept giving Diablo his praise, Diablo wouldn't want to leave. "But I think you're troubled by something else. Care to tell me? You can tell me anything."

The red one suddenly felt shy again, swallowing his eggs nervously. "M-Master, I–I felt lonely last night. Am I really all that is left?" he asked in sadness.

Shadow Man nodded. "Afraid so, my Diablo. But we're your new family now. We will protect you," he assured. Diablo's tears were present, but he wiped them away. "What do you want me to do next when I get these stitches out?"

Shadow Man grinned. "Well, I have some special tests in mind for you besides your daily routine." Diablo tensed. "W-will they hurt?"

His master shook his head. "Oh no. Since you're still a bit lightheaded in your memories of how your gargoyle abilities really work, I wish to work them out with you. Climbing, how much in the dark you can really see, etc. Do you think you can make me happy by doing this? It would make you happy, too."

Diablo ate his toast nervously, scared of the outcome for these tests, but then a realization showed. Maybe I can remember who I am more from this, he figured. A smile then came along, and Diablo nodded in agreement. Shadow Man petted him on the shoulder. "How lovely. We shall set it all up once your stitches come off in a couple more days. Plenty of time to rest beforehand."

"I'm... looking forward to it, Master," Diablo said, his master getting up to leave. Shadow Man looked approved. "As well you should. Enjoy your meal. I'll let you know in the next couple days when Thomas can get your stitches out, dear one."

Diablo gulped down his juice, nodding timidly as he heard his door close, alone again, looking forward to re-finding more of his abilities that he may have lost when having his head be hit by that debris.


Shadow Man, true to his word, allowed Diablo to rest for his remaining days until the time came to remove the stitches out of his gargoyle pet. Diablo allowed his master to guide him to the doctor. Thomas had Diablo lie down on the table to get the stitches removed.

Diablo felt nervous about it as the doctor got the tools ready. Shadow Man gave him an assuring smile. "I assure you; it won't take too long. Then we can do the long awaited activities for you."

"O-ok, Master." Diablo replied quietly, bracing himself as Dr. Thomas began to remove the stitches. Diablo kept his eyes shut, not wanting to watch it.

In time, the stitches had been removed successfully and the bandages were taken off as well, showing Diablo's wounds had healed nicely. Shadow Man knew in secret that stone sleep would've healed it faster, but he didn't think a creature like Diablo deserved such special treatment from Nature, which was the reason for him to remove it, watch the devil remorse in pain longer like humans.

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