Chapter 30

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Brooklyn remained on Isle Royale for the next few days with his wolf friend, who slowly recovered from her leg injury. He and Winter had formed a sturdier bond over the time they were together. To Brooklyn, this reminded him of a story called White Fang when a boy befriended a wolf dog. But this time it was him, a gargoyle, with a purebred wolf. He didn't think it could ever happen to him to be friends with a wild canine.

He also had glanced at his only loincloth; which looked quite runned down and felt thin from all the elements beating down onto it. Brook sighed. Definitely will need a new loincloth when I get back, he thought to himself.

At first it was just Brooklyn who did the hunting, mostly fish and sometimes a rabbit, bringing them for both him and Winter. He recalled catching that wild hare, which was more difficult than he thought.

But then one day, Brooklyn looked over the bandages after changing them for the past few days. Winter's wound appeared to look alright, better than before. She gave a little woof, looking at it.

"You seem to be healing pretty well, girl. Perhaps it is time to remove those bandages for good, you think?" Brook asked with a smile. Winter wagged her tail, tilting her head.

There were times when Brooklyn thought Winter looked cute quite a lot, wishing she and Bronx could meet each other. But Brooklyn knew he couldn't ever really bring a wolf with him across those waters and to New York, which made him a little sad, but ensured to enjoy his time with her as much as he could.

He then unwrapped the bandages off completely; no more blood showing in the scar now there which would eventually go away. It made the gargoyle look at his own scar where the brand was, ears falling at the thought of that horrible day but grateful still to his human allies in Wisconsin for taking it off for him. Putting the bandages aside, Brooklyn stood up. The wolf kept laying there, unsure.

"It should be ok to walk on now. You want to try it? I'm here to catch you," Brooklyn said gently, standing on all fours, watching to see what would happen. Winter whined a little then began her challenge of getting up. She struggled from not walking but soon found her footing, slightly limping on her front paw, but it was better than the hind one. Her tail wagged at being able to stand again, making Brooklyn chuckle, petting her. "You're welcome. I'm glad you're better. You want to try going hunting with me; fishing to start?"

Winter woofed again, trotting over to the door, and pawing at it. Brooklyn stood on his two feet and opened it, Winter running out, happy that her leg was better. Brook called out to her to take it easy, but she probably didn't listen, running in circles in the yard, even howling once or twice.

A memory of Bronx sometimes being frisky and playful like this emerged up, heart tight. But Brooklyn shook his head of it. He needed to get food or else they'd starve. He tried a whistle, calling Winter who heard him, coming to a halt then following her gargoyle friend to the river.

The two friends made it there a while later, the river flowing along its usual course, Brooklyn already looking forward to eating their meals later. But he still wished for his stone sleep to cure his lingering aches that were still noticeable, mostly from not sleeping on a proper mattress since Barry and Thalia's house, and old wounds from Anthony. He was glad it didn't take away his hunting skills thankfully.

Winter woofed when seeing the water, going to get a drink while Brooklyn climbed to his rock on the water, waiting for the fish to come. Winter glanced at him then down, spotting a fish there too. What the friends didn't know was that some other residences there didn't take kindly to their appearances.

Not too far away, there was a pack of wolves from a different territory that were patrolling their borders and were coming down to the river to get a drink too, but then, their noses picked up scents from two strangers. One of them they recognized from one of their neighboring packs and the other was a scent they didn't know at all, but a strange one. Might be useful for food though. The pack went to investigate.

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