"i said no presents 'lijah

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Warning: this part is just smut

Elijah's hands over my eyes walking behind me guiding me somewhere around the house. "Elijah I said no presents it's just a birthday" I stated he huffed. "But this one didnt cost money darling I'm sure you'll love it" it was my turn to huff "okay, fine" we walked a few more steps until he stood still and so did I.

I reached my hands to move his. "No, wait I'm gonna remove my hands but keep your eyes closed, understand?" I nodded I felt him remove his hands but kept my eyes closed. I felt a fabric come over my eyes to behind my head.

"Lijah?" I said just above a whisper. The room fell silent. My heart rate picking up. My other senses heightened. I felt a hand on my waist. I jumped "it's just me love" he whispered in my ear his grip on my waist getting harder. "Are you okay with this?" He asked. Yes, very much so. "Yes.." I whispered.

He slipped his fingers in my belt loops pulling me closer, if that was possible. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I moaned at his movements. He put his face in the nape of my neck leaving hot kisses around my neck.

▪︎Elijah pov switch▪︎

I put my face in the nap of her neck leaving hot kisses around her neck and collarbone. She layed her head back on my shoulder. I moved my left hand to her neck removing my lips from it. I used my right hand to unbutton her jeans. "These hug you so tight--" I slipped my hand into her pants rubbing her clothed pussy "--your so wet darling and I barely touched you" I chuckled. I rotated my hand as I moved to infront of her. I moved my hand away from her pussy and she groans in frustration.

I used both my hands to slip her jeans down her thigh to her ankles she stepped forward with my help stepping out of them. I placed my hands on her hips pushing her backwards against the wall as I moved forward. I stopped right before the wall. "Wet like the slut you are" I pushed her hips backwards again. Her back hit the wall.

I used both of my hands to pull her shirt up "arms up" she layed her head back on the wall. I pulled the shirt over her head she let her arms fall to her sides. I brought my face close to hers. "Elijah please hurry up" she whimpered quietly. She pushed her thighs together "I dont think so" I pushed my left hand in between her thighs.

"Be patient, my love enjoy it it's your day anyways" she sighed. I pushed my lips to hers. She flung her hands around my neck. I left her lips pecking them once more. I kissed her jaw to around her bra to down her stomach. She had her hand onto of my head following it as it traveled lower and lower.

I hooked my pointer fingers from both hands sliding her panties off. I picked up her right leg putting it over my shoulder. I used my left hand to swipe up her slit. I brought my fingers to her mouth. "Open y/n" she did as I asked taking my fingers i to her mouth.

I looked up at her from below. I watched in amazement. Fuck y/n the thing you do to me. I pulled my fingers from her mouth. I pushed then into her dripping core. I attached my mouth to her bundle of nerves. I picked up pace with my fingers keeping them at that pace.

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