"you look pretty right now"

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Y/n squeezed her eyes closed more when the light shines through the window

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Y/n squeezed her eyes closed more when the light shines through the window. She rolled over throwing her arm over Elijah's lap. "Goodmorning love" she groaned sitting up opening her eyes.

She pressed a kiss to Elijah's cheek climbing out of bed brushing her teeth. She admired herself in the mirror a long tee hanging low covering her thighs and panties. She spit into the sink washing off her toothbrush setting it back on the sink.

She walked back to Elijah, straddling him. "Happy birthday lijah" she told him leaning into him. "How old are you again? A million" he chuckles leaning into her kissing her.

She kissed back placing her hand on his shoulders. She smiled pulling away from him. "Plans?" She asked.

"Hm, I don't think so. I don't care it's a birthday I've had hundreds" he replied placing his hands on her hips. She sighs "so? I want to do something for you"

"Y/n just be here with me, it's all I need" he squeezed her hips. She wraps her arms around his neck. She nods her head pecking his lips.

Y/n sits and thinks for a moment "are you sure cause I'll do-" she got cut off by Elijah kissing her she was surprised but kissed him back.

He ran his hand through her hair pulling it his other hand on her waist, leading her to grind on him. She opened her mouth giving him access he pushed his tongue past her lips deepening the kiss.

He pushed her hips to grind on him again he pulls back from the kiss both his hands on her hips pushing her to grind on him repeatedly.

He removed his left hand to behind his head his right still pushing her to grind on him. She giggles "if you wanted this you could have asked" he gripped her hip.

"I don't have to" he removed his hand from her hips to behind his head interlocking his two hands. "Keep going."

She leaned down kissing him quickly before she placed her hands on his chest continuing to grind on him. She felt him get hard under her she pulled her shirt over her head.

His hand went to her hip stopping her. He lightly pushed her off standing up pulling his shirt over his head then pushing his pants down. He turned to her grabbing her ankles pulling her making her lay on the bed.

He pulled her panties down he slid his boxers down, he sat back against the head board. He pulled her onto him.

She grabbed his dick lining it up with her enterance before slowly sliding onto him making her mouth fall open. She stopped halfway taking a moment "all the way y/n" he grabbed her hips thrusting up.

She gasps placing her hands on his chest her head hung low. "Look at me" he demanded. She brought her head up looking at him. "Start moving" he demanded once again.

She let out a low moan, as she started moving her hips up and down on him. "Faster" he urged. She followed his words moving quicker. "Good girl, just like that" she let out a louder moan digging her nails into his chest.

He groaned moving his hips up meeting her on her downward action. "Lijah, lijah" he pushed her backwards getting on top of her. He started thrusting into her.

She gasped again "Mm fuck lijah" he thrusted into her roughly making her body jolt up. He brought his hand to her pussy his thumb against her clit rubbing it in circles. Her mouth fell open a string of moans falling out.

"How pretty you are sweetheart" he chuckles as he started pounding into her. "Oh! Oh god!" He grabbed her face smiling at her leaning down and kissing her. He pulls away from her "come on, can't you kiss me love?"

He continued to hold her face making her look at him. He smiled down at her, he pulled her right leg over his shoulder his thumb still on her clit.

"L-lijah I..." her sentence faultered her hands gripping the bed sheets she clenched around him she threw her head back. Elijah looked down watching as he disappeared inside her.

"Are you gonna come love hm?" She frantically nodded her head "ask me" she whined "can...can I- can I come" he applied pressure on her clit continuing to rub her.

Elijah kept his eyes low "come" he told her, as soon as he said it she did he watched her come spill around his cock making him twitch inside her.

He kept rubbing her clit I'm circles keeping the same pace. She moved her hand to his arm "oh I- yes, yes!" Her nails dig into him.

His stopped all his movements. He pulled out of her he wrapped his arm around her back he pulled her against him picking her up he pushed him inside her again. "Elijah" she whined.

His hands went to waist moving her on his cock. His right hand went to her hair pulling it making her head go back. His lips connected with her neck kissing it.

Her hands wrapped around his neck, while her legs shook around him. "Are you gonna come again love" she gasped out when his grip on her hair tightened.

"Yes, yes, fuck yes!" He kissed her roughly before pulling away "come go ahead love give me another" her thighs shook as she came a liquid running down his stomach.

She layed her head on his shoulder moaning a string of curses leaving her mouth. He kept thrusting into her lightly setting her on the bed letting her hair go as he kept thrusting into her.

"What a lovely present my love" he chuckles his dick twitching inside her as a came. His come spilling from her pussy. He pulled out turning behind him pulling his boxers on he turned back to you.

He ran his eyes over every inch of her body. "You look pretty right now" y/n looked at him giving him a weak smile.

"I must say i didn't think I was capable of giving you enough pleasure to squirt but, it's my pleasure" he chuckled picking her up bridal style.

He walks her to the bathroom letting her pee, he walks out grabbing her some clothes. He watches her walk out of the bathroom and he laughed at her state.

"Shakey?" He chuckled she swatted at him walking to the bed and sitting down. He walked over to her slipping her panties on. "Wanna change your bra?" He asked she nodded he unhooked her bra putting on a new one.

He slipped on one of his own shirt on her patting her thighs. "All good" he smiled. "Thank you" she kissed his cheek.

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