Chapter III

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Cavinator1 drew his sword. As it was previously. But Inglorious was intelligent. No, he died. Cavinator1 was of the great. And not.

"Your slain." replied Cavinator1.

"You can't talk, I'm dead." screamed Inglorious before vaporizing.

Cavinator1 was of the great when he forsaw the skies. And they were turning. Turning, not blue. But actually, turquoise. This frightened the man. Man, presumed, it was. And twas it was, it became truth.

Thine Cavinator1 progresseth to thy theatre twas it was, but twas it wasn't.

"Thou shalt not be'n'st of thine age" was exuded quietly by those of superior position.

They perished.

Vote or else Cavinator1 will vent into your house.

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