2- Kokoci? Or Ciciko?

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"Lightning Dash!" The others watched Lightning zip towards the tree, leaving a trail of yellow lightning sparks. Lightning then zipped near a branch where he could reach up to the soccer ball which he almost fell over.

Gopal briefly snapped out of his daze, his eyes landed on Lightning's form. Seeing him slowly approaching the ball, made him quickly stand back on his feet and run towards the tree.

"Candy Cane Transformation!" He yelled, his hands now glowing green. Leaping towards the bottom of the tree and clung onto it. The giant tree was now slowly turning into candy, and the wood part of the tree in now candy cane as the leaves had turned into cotton candy.

Upon seeing the sweet treat, the kids looked at the changed tree in awe and with imaginary stars surrounding them. 


Seems like Lightning didn't notice the tree had changed since he kept focusing on the ball. When he was about to reach it, the candy-like branch had snapped. Lightning finally noticed and began to let out a panicked scream before plummeting to the ground with the ball following behind him.

"Ohhh..... That's gonna hurt" You winced at this when you all watched Lightning harshly land on the ground as the ball bounced on top of the lightning element's head, drawing out a pained yelp from him.

Gopal's attention immediately went to the bouncing soccer ball, he had quickly let go of the candy tree before briefly running after it while giggling like a girl. "Hehehe, I'm gonna get it first!"

"Huh?" Lightning quickly snapped out of his daze when he heard Gopal's statement, making him growl lowly. Briefly stood back up on his feet and yelled. "Elemental power! Boboiboy Wind!"

"You know, you could've used that element to get the ball in the first place right?" You pointed out while watching Lightning turn into the wind element. Wind's new color scheme is now a notable difference from the other forms in that the armbands present on BoBoiBoy are moved up near Wind's elbows, being bright vivid blue. Wind's vest has the wind elemental form on it, but his vest is zipped all the way up to his neck.

After Wind heard your words, it made him blush in embarrassment but quickly dismissed his thoughts and went back into action.

"Wind Sphere!" He yelled, summoning a small wind sphere that was the same size as the ball before chucking it towards the soccer ball, scooping the round object inside just before Gopal could even grab it. The molecular manipulator was stunned for a quick moment and watched the wind sphere return to its holder.

Wind let out a satisfied chuckle once he had his hands on the soccer ball, deciding to tease Gopal by waving the ball at him. This made the molecular wielder growl in annoyance, briefly fixing his puffed hair back to normal before yelling. "Food Transformation Blast!"

Gopal mimics a handgun, shooting multiple green energy blasts and turning some objects in the park into food. "Hey, hey! That's enough!" Ochobot yelled, hiding behind the telekinesis manipulator who seems to be calm at this but the Power Sphere knew better, you were pissed. Judging by a vein showing on your cheek, hand, and forehead.

Wind managed to lean his head back just in time as a green energy ball passed by him. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Earth!" Wind yelled before turning to his earth element. Earth's new color scheme is now brown, possibly to match the colors of the earth and ground-related powers. Like the other forms, his pants are black. The position of his cap is the same, but on the back of the cap, the earth element symbol is clearly visible where the 'B' of BoBoiBoy's new logo should be. His vest is open all the way and the Earth elemental symbol is visible on the left side of his chest. He's also the only element so far to keep the original color of BoBoiBoy's armbands (red). In addition to that, he only wears one armband, on his left wrist while his right wrist only has his.

"Earth Barrier!" He yelled, punching the ground with his fist. He had elevated ground levels to defend himself and the kids behind him, who had ducked their heads down to avoid getting hit.

"Give me that ball, Boboiboy!" Gopal yelled as he kept on shooting more energy blasts at the barrier, turning it into food.

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