chapter one

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"yo can you tell her to shut the fuck up?" was what caught belly's attention . she looked up from her phone . "yeah, rue, you gotta chill out back there for real. you alright there bel ?"

"yeah i'm fine fez ."

belly was one of my best friends . she became closer with fezco and ash when i went to rehab . she had a huge crush on fez which was ironic because he was a drug dealer and she never did drugs .

being in the car going to make a deal with fez wasn't something she had ever planned to do especially on new year's eve night . i forced her .

"me and ash gotta handle some serious business right now, so" belly and rue looked at eachother "yeah, for sure . no i can do that . i can just stay back here . it's real comfy ."

when we arrived i already knew belly was going to be mad . it was in a sketchy area which i promised her we wouldn't be going .

fez got out of the car and started talking to a random guy "who the fuck is this bitch?" belly shifted in her seat "yo !" rue and belly looked through the front mirror to see what was going on . "who the fuck is this, man?"

it was blond girl "hi, i'm faye" belly tapped rue to make sure she was seeing this "what is she doin' here?" the guy got defensive quickly "nah, nah, bro, that's my fuckin' girl."

the two continued talking for a bit and eventually ended up walking to the car . i know belly was anxious . she starts peeling her split ends and bouncing her leg vigorously when she gets nervous .

"so good. i'm telling you . like a fucking mouse . okay ?" fez sighed "whatever , man .let's just do this ." fez sent a gentle nod to belly in a way to comfort her . "faye in the car!" "okay !"

although fez never felt a romantic way towards belly . or at least admitted it . he still cared for her . he always wanted to make sure she was safe and okay . and truthfully if he didn't think this trade would be safe . he would've never let her tag along .

"ten, twenty minutes tops, all right?" he reassured her . quickly moving his stare towards rue "y'all just please stay in the car . no fuckin funny business . let's go."

the three girls sat in the car . it was kind of crowded . it even made rue uncomfortable as well . "hi . i'm faye ." belly looked at rue . "yo, faye, uh Rue . and that's belly" belly smiled . "so how is your new years going ? any resolutions in mind?"

"what ?" belly just thought she was being rude . "new years." faye looked so confused . "it's fucking new years ?" belly nodded and rue replied . "uh yeah . i believe so ." she exhaled "i swear my boyfriend doesn't tell me anything."

the two continued talking . belly had no intention of listening because she has heard of this story many times . especially the night it happened . she just sat there with her head laid back wishing they would finish the deal faster . "um. i don't think. i wouldn't do that here." belly quickly became nosy and looked at rue then faye .

"it's just heroin" faye was so nonchalant . it bothered belly in a way . "no i see that. but maybe  like i don't know, i just feel like it isn't the best place to do that" belly shook her head and sighed  .

"listen i know what you are . you're just a fucking junkie ass bitch and your probably eating that gingers ass for fucking oxys or whatever the fuck your into ." which caught both of the two girls by surprise . and faye didn't stop there "your probably some freak . all quite and shit . probably let the ginger do freaky shit to you for heroin ."

"oh my god what are you doing ." belly groaned and covered her eyes . rue couldn't contain it either "are you just puttin it in there ?what are you doing?" the girls leg were spread wide open "oh my god okay." she angled the syringe into her vagina . "oh my gosh your whole vagina is out!"

"ow that looks like it hurt ." was the last thing rue said before someone dragged faye out of the car . then belly and then her . the guys threw the girls into the house where the guys were already against the wall .

"you come to my muthafukin house . with a 12 year old, three junkie whores, and a motherfucker i don't know ." the guy was up in the fez friends face . "you out of your fuckin mind"

everyone was in shock but belly couldn't help but cry . she was scared and it's my fault she is here .

"stop fucking crying ." the younger guy yelled punching the wall next to her . she almost chocked trying to catch her breath . she locked eyes with fez when he nodded no at her .

"all right check this out ." he said "all yall, let's get naked right fuckin now." belly started crying even more . she thought she was going to get raped . again ."come on, man. let's go! get naked right fuckin now . let's go cmon"

"you heard what the fuck he said, cmon" belly and ashtray were the first to attempt to get undressed . "everybody. let's go. undress"

"except for you two . keep your shit on . nobody wants to see you naked ." the older man said "B.J take their asses down . put 'em in a fuckin closet."

"yo, yo, cmon now, y'all . chill ." belly sobbed as the guy ushered them into a closet . ash looked at her "your gonna be alright bel . stop crying." he comforted "shut the fuck up stop talking . ima search you right now ."

B.J searched the two and took a gun out of ashtray pants . belly was amazed how ash didn't even look afraid . he just looked pissed that his gun was gone . he pulled the two out of the closet "B.J, we good?" belly was done crying but her mascara was all smeared and her eyes were swollen and red "yeah, we good . kid had a glock on him ."

while fez, custer and ash did business belly couldn't control her tears . she was so afraid , upset , yet happy . she has never been in this type of situation and hoped this was the last .

the finally let them go back to the car . "that was honestly . that was the craziest shit ive ever experienced . what the fuck" then the rest went quite in belly's ear . "i don't want to go to the party anymore . please drop me off ." she wiped the tear of her cheek . "i have to do something but i promise right after bells we can go home . okay?" bells rolled her eyes . when they finally arrived at the party . ash asked before getting out the car "you want me to take you home bels ? you know i don't mind ." she smiled . "it's okay ash . i have to use the bathroom anyways."

ash and fez always had this protective bear hug over her . ash loved belly because belly loved ash . she was the only person who tried to treat him like a kid and although he used to get annoyed he realized it was because she genuinely cared . also if anything he was more of an adult than her . nothing to do with maturity but innocence .

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