chapter three

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new years morning fez woke up early to make breakfast for ash and belly . normally he wouldn't feel guilty for crazy shit happening . but since it happened to belly of course he felt extra bad.

after belly woke up she walked into the bathroom combed out her hair a little, brushed her teeth and walked into the kitchen . "morning fez . ash isn't awake yet ?" he looked at her . she was still in his sweatsuit . "nah . here start eating though ." he handed her a plate which was an omelet . "thank you ."

the two sat in silence eating their omelet . "rue left ?" fez nodded "she wanted to meet up with her friend ." belly was curious if her friend was elliot . "did she mention who ?" belly was hoping she would've . "nah."

"belly im sorry for last night . i had no intention of that happening . you don't know how scared i was . not for myself but for you ." she had almost forgotten about the night . "it's fine fez . i know you wouldn't have put me in that situation ."

"how about we finish breakfast, stop by your place, you can grab your shit and we'll go to the shop and work on your math homework that was supposed to be completed of the break ." she nodded . ash ended up waking and ate before they had to leave .

they parked in front belly's house to allow her to change and grab her school bag . "if you want to stay over until your parents come back grab some extra clothes ." ash said . ash and fez knew that belly was afraid staying home alone which she had valid reasons for . "yeah . thank you ."

she made sure she grabbed everything that she would need for the week because she had school again in a couple days . she threw on a brown baby tee, her low waisted baggy pants and a her black converse . when she was sure she had everything she locked up the house and threw her duffel bag into the car .

"is it just math you need help on ?" fez asked her looking at her through the rear view mirror . "yup! i finished everything . honestly all my classes are fine it's just math . if they ever told me to take an ap or even a honors math i would simply cry ." which caused the two boys to laugh .

madster :
did fezco tell u what happened to nate?

hi mad . no he hasn't . everything okay ?

madster :
well u should ask him . he's not safe bels .

belly was confused at the text and it rose more curiosity remembering the fact that ash wouldn't let her leave the car last night . "hey what happened last night with nate ?" she watched as the two boys looked at each other . "we had some business to handle bel . remember i told u that ." she decided not to push it and just let the situation be . she figured she would find out during the school week anyway .

when they arrived to the shop bel went into the back room with ash to put her bag away . she walked back out to sit with fez at the register . "so i finished most of these but i'm not 100 sure i got them correct ." fez looked over the paper . "they look correct to me . let's work on the answers you never finished ."

"sup fez" which caused the two to look up from the problem . it was rue and elliot . she tried to hide her smile . "hey elliot ." belly smiled which caused fez to look over at her . "hey belly ." fez remembered that this was the guy she was with last night . he walked over to her "what are you working on?" grabbing the math paper . "me and fez are just working on my winter break homework ."

he looked up from the paper . "is he like your boyfriend ." although his tone was quite it wasn't quite enough . fez looked at the two . "no he's pretty much my brother ." rue was confused . she watched fez watch elliot and belly and elliot watch belly . "alright what the fuck elliot . we came her to get some shit . not for you to flirt with belly ."

belly stopped smiling . she had forgotten he does drugs . "yeah right . put your number ." he handed her the phone smiling . she looked at the phone and then at him . she typed in her number . "i'll see you later belly ." belly was happy . this was the first time someone has asked for her number . or at least the first time the person she wanted asked for her number .

she adjusted herself once again sitting in cross cross apple sauce position .

if fez was being honest he didn't enjoy that for one minute . he didn't like that someone was flirting with his belly . and for the most part he doesn't think elliot should have the privilege . fez protected belly not him .

"so whats up with you and that guy ?" which made her freeze for a second . she never thought fez would care . "elliot? nothing we're just friends ." he scoffed . "it doesn't look like it ." belly was confused why he cared all of a sudden . he knew she had a crush on him and he did nothing about it . "who cares ." was all she could say .

after the day was over the boys closed up the shop and the three went home . they all took a shower and decided to watch a movie . they always let belly pick and of course she picked project x . it was one of her favorite movies . ash and fez liked it but it wasn't there favorite . they were in the beginning scene when her phone went off which quickly caught fez attention .

elliot :
it's elliot by the way .

hey elliot .

what are you doing belly ?

i'm watching project x , wbu ?
are you with rue?

yeah . wanna come over tomorrow ?

i'll see . send your address

*address* better see you tomorrow belly

belly was happy he texted her back . she turned her phone off and tried to hide her smile . after the movie was finished she did her night routine and got into bed next to fez .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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