Monday, I'm sitting in a basket full of fruit, just waiting to be eaten by someone. I see the dog go by, hoping he doesn't see me, because he scares me. The dog didn't see me and know I'm glad.
Tuesday, I'm very bored as I see the other fruits like grapes and kiwi get eaten hungrily, but it's only me yhe people don't see.
Wednesday, Today I made a friend her name's Mrs Apple, she's also an apple hence he name but she's much finer than I'll ever be.
Thursday, A light of hope ignites through me as I see a hand reach to the basket but they take Mrs Apple instead of me and I watch silently as they go away.
Friday, I'm suddenly feeling very down, sad and i think it's because of tahe lack of sunlight I get, as it doesn't help me to stay fresh and young.
Saturday, I'm now the only one in the basket left, the others are all gone leaving me alone as I wither away cold and alone.
Sunday, Today I feel the hope that's left in me rise but I push it back down because the last time I didn't, and it didn't end well. I see a hand reach towards me, and suddenly I felt like I was floating because know I was in the air. I see very faintly that we're heading to an old black bag that has always been there. I know I'm inside the old black bag because I can feel myself fading away from his wonderful thing we know call life.
This poem/short story is the idea of one of my friend and I give her some of the credit.
Thank you Akari_shin (not her real name)