The North Remembers

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"We need to talk about Mance," Rowynn said as she sat down at the head of the table in her room. Jon Snow was seated directly to her right followed by her uncle Haenryk Nyrs, and Ser Raegnar Lytos, the Lord Commander of the Men of the Mountain. To the queen's left sat the Lord Commander of her Queensguard, Ser Caen Maening, Ser Jerrik Ganst, the Lord Commander of the Wardens, and the leader of the free folk clans of the Haunted Forest, Odin II. She had introduced Jon to her small council members before they sat down to talk, but he was uncertain of them. The only person he truly trusted at the council was Arya who had been allowed to join their discussion.

"Do you want to execute him?" His younger sister asked before anyone else could speak.

Rowynn pursed her lips as her violet eyes met the younger girl's. "I do not want to execute anybody, Arya, but I will if I must."

"What do you need from him?" Jon asked politely.

"I have thought about this all through the night," Rowynn paused as her eyes grazed each of her counselors, "and I will accept a written and spoken vow that he would either fight alongside my army or he would remain completely dormant in the wars to come. If he chooses to fight alongside us then we would give the free folk a large portion of land below the wall to settle after the wars are won."

"With all due respect, Your Grace," Ser Caen began, "but what happened to making him bend the knee?"

"Mance Rayder is a brilliant leader and commander, there is no denying that, and I would be happy to include him in my expanding army, but I cannot expect him to be completely loyal when the only other option I gave him was death," Rowynn explained with a weak shrug of her shoulders. "Besides, if Mance chooses correctly and earns his place in the Seven Kingdoms, it is not I who he will have to bow to or swear fealty to."

"Daenerys Targaryen," Arya murmured just loud enough to be heard across the table.

"You must be careful saying that name in this castle, Lady Stark," Ser Raegnar turned to the young girl. "There is no way to tell who we can or cannot trust."

Arya nodded once understandingly as Rowynn laced her fingers together atop the table. She cleared her throat quietly before continuing. "Someone needs to deliver the new offer to the King Beyond the Wall."

"I will do it, Your Grace," Jon said.

Rowynn nodded to the wolf. "I think that would be the best choice, my lord."

"What if Mance does not accept this new offer either?" Odin asked. Jon noticed how Rowynn ignored the small hint of sadness in the wildling's voice which he failed to hide. He knew that the King Beyond the Wall must have tried to recruit the forest clans to join his free folk army, but they were obligated to turn down his offer because of their alliance with House Nyrs.

"Then he will burn," Rowynn responded bluntly. "Until he makes a decision, I suggest you all begin preparing for our departure. Feed and water the horses, make sure the men are in full numbers, and so on."

"Yes, Your Grace," the Lord Commanders chorused. They all had brought men to the Wall, and each of them was leaving behind a portion of their forces to guard it.

"Unless there is anything else to discuss, you are all dismissed," Rowynn told them with a small smile on her pale lips. Her commanders stood up, bowed, and exited the room. Arya hesitated by the door when she saw her brother lingering behind.

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