Chapter 2: Nutmeg meets the Clan

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A/N: I don't own Warriors. Erin Hunter does. I just play with the characters.

" Speech"
' Flashback'

Nutmeg padded into the meadow after sneaking out when her household opened the door while leaving somewhere.

She noticed that the same she-cat from the day before was waiting for her.

" Hi." The golden tabby mewed.

Nutmeg lifted her tail in greeting.

As the two she-cats exchanged their greetings, two other cats approached them, a pale blue grey she-cat with blue eyes and a scar on her shoulder and a golden tabby tom with a mane-like fur on his neck.

Goldenflower dipped her head to the blue grey she-cat as if she'd be respecting her.

" These are Bluestar, the leader of ThunderClan, and Lionheart, one of the most respected warriors. He's also my brother. " Goldenflower explained to Nutmeg, who was staring at the two.

" I know that you have been wandering into our part of the forest. Why would a kittypet like you do that when you have a perfectly good home in Twolegplace and you are getting pampered by Twolegs all day?" The leader asked her.

Nutmeg told them what she had told to Goldenflower the day before, about Jake and the fact she was afraid that she'd lose her kits after they'd hit a certain age adding the possibility that she wouldn't be able to have more kits after the visit to the vet.

" Vet? What is that?" Bluestar asked, not knowing the word.

" Vet is a housefolk that heals cats and other animals. Most she-cats that go to the vet after their kits are taken from them aren't able to have any more kits. Their personalities change, too. They will be lazy and won't do much but lay around in the sunlight." The brown and white tabby explained, sounding nervous and slightly scared at the thought of the same happening to her.

Bluestar nodded, there was a flash of something like regret or sadness in her eyes when Nutmeg mentioned the fact that most kits would be taken from their mothers.

Did she lose a kit, too?, Nutmeg thought while looking at the blue-grey leader.

Bluestar shook her head as if she'd try to dislodge the thought of something.

" That doesn't sound like a good nor appealing way of life. " The leader muttered, her blue eyes icy.

Nutmeg nodded. " It doesn't. And believe me, I have seen it happen more than I want to admit. "

Bluestar's fur nearly bristled at the thought of living like that but she forced it to lie flat. One of her kits could be the fire Spottedleaf had a vision about.

' Bluestar padded into the medicine cat den, noticing Spottedleaf sorting herbs. " How is the patient?" She asked from the dappled tortoiseshell, referring to the kit laying in one of the nests. Get well soon, little one.

The kit in question was one of Bluestar's kits, a sandy grey tom with white paws, a few bluish grey speckles on his back and green eyes, named Aspenkit. He had a bout of whitecough. The same disease had claimed the life of his father, Thrushpelt about a moon earlier. At least Juniperkit and Duskkit are safe.

Bluestar was shaken from her thoughts by the mew of Spottedleaf.

" He has gotten worse. I'm not sure if he can survive much longer. " The medicine cat told her.

" No!" Bluestar yowled, grief filling her voice. Oh, why StarClan? Why would you take him, too?!

Suddenly Spottedleaf got as still as a rock, unmoving, her amber gaze distant.

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