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When he reached the building. He got out of the cab and handed the money to the driver. Holding the half-wine bottle, he asked the security guard to open the gate. But seeing him drank the security didn't open the gate.

" Just wait, you fucking security guard. I am calling my boss. He will immediately fire you when I tell him you didn't allow me to get inside. "

And then he began to yell his name loudly.

The guard didn't protest because he has never seen anyone like this near Kim Namjoon. He's messy and drunk. He thought he must have forgotten where to go. Then he didn't like the way he was yelling so he called his boss.

" Hello! Sir someone wants to meet you. "

Namjoon rubbed his eyes. He didn't know when he fell asleep on the table. He woke up by the ring on his phone. Furthermore, he checked the time on his watch on his wrist.

" At this time? Who is it? "

The guard doesn't know. So he asked him.

" Hey, what's your name? "

Jungkook gets excited. He smiled at him.

" Are you talking to Joon? " Jungkook asked.

" Yes. Sir is asking...."

Jungkook snatched the phone from the guard.

" Joon... Joon. This ugly face doesn't let me get inside. He's telling me to go away. I want to meet you, but he doesn't let me. ..." He said as he is talking his colleagues.

" Jungkook... "

" Joon. Please order him to get me in. He's so bad."

Was Namjoon dreaming? He got up and headed toward the main door.

" Jungkook. You wait there. I am coming outside. Just stop there. "


Jungkook nodded and smiled. Then he handed the mobile to him and warned him.

" Joon is coming. Now you will fire. "

Jungkook was still holding the bottle. He took a few sips and then sat down on the floor. Leaning to the gate. Looking the way, RM will come. His face resting on his palm he waited for him. After a few seconds, he sees him running toward the gate.

" Sehun... Open the gate."

He did and Nam gets near him. Jungkook is still sitting on the floor while pouting like a baby. He slowly creeps closer and calls out Jungkook's name.

" Jungkook! What are you doing here at this time? "

Jungkook looks up. He forwards his hand to him, asking for support. Nam hesitates, but offers his hand and pulls him up. The action made the chest-to-chest. Jungkook alcoholic breaths fanning his face. Namjoon scanned the bottle in his grip.

" Jungkook. You're drunk. "That was not a question. But still, Jungkook hummed.

Namjoon stepped back.

" You wanted to meet me. Right. Is there something you want to talk about? Something related to work ?"

Namjoon doesn't think he will ever come to meet Him for anything else.

" Let's go inside. "

Namjoon took a few steps, and then he called him.

" No. Joon take me in your arms like you did last time. I am drunk. "

Nam stopped walking and turned to see if it was Jungkook or someone else who looked like him.

" What? " Namjoon asked in amusement.

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