It all started when Tessa invited 5 of her friends over. Jackie, Alyson, Tessa, Kala, Laney, and Carly were the best of friends. Nothing could make them turn on each other.
It was Kala's Idea to play, of course Tessa was wanting to play since they got there. Everyone agreed to play mostly because Tessa pretty much lives in a mansion, and there are like thousands of places to hide. Since it was Kala's idea to play she had to be it first. They decided to count to 40, so they would have enough time to hide.
Tessa went to hid in her favorite spot. She always hid in this spot because know one ever finds her there Tessa hides in her dogs room.( Yes Tessa has a room for her dog). It used to be here sisters room, but she went away to collage. After she left Tessa turned it into her closet, but then her parents got her a puppy for her 10th birthday. She loved her new puppy, but there was no place to keep it( I know it is kind of confusing because she lived in a house with over 20 rooms), so she moved her closet and made here puppy's new room.
Any way back to hide and seek. Every one else hid in really good spots, but not good enough. Kala found them very easily. It usually takes her like an hour.
Tessa always moves out of her spot into another spot so her special spot doesn't get found. You get it?
After everyone had joined in to help find Tessa, they finally found her.
Hide and Seek
HorrorHide and seek has been Tessa's favorite game from a young age, but she never thought that it could become reality. When Tessa is playing hide and seek with hers friends in her huge house something very unexacting happens.