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Everyday we are faced with many choices and decisions. Deciding to listen to what other people tells us is a decision that everyone has to make everyday and today was Keyshia's day where she didnt make the right decision.

Today wasn't the type of day that Beyonce wanted to interact with people. Her social meter was drained to about 1 percent.

Nevertheless people were trying to interact with her anyway. She previously texted kelly and already warned  her of her bad day. She was there to comfort her and tell her to cut it out when she was about to go off on a teacher. Though she would rather have Onika doing that she didnt complain.

Any other student would wish they were at home rn or probably just opted out  to staying home but honestly this was way better then what home would ever be.

Not to mention this weird ass nigga was all up in Onika's face smiling and shit He's about to get his teeth knocked tf out fr.

Nicki's P.O.V.

Odell was spitting game to me and honestly I was very uninterested but I was going to entertain him cause why not?

He wasn't that ugly in all honesty but to be honest with you I'm only talking to him cause me and Beyonce broke up.

Cause what's the best way to get over someone? Entertain someone else.

So all these unfulfilled promises that he was making me I was all ears even tracing over his semi muscular arm.

Beyonce's was bigger though.

I decided to flirt back with him while were whispering in each others ears and having our face so close to each other that a kiss was in reach.

Glancing over at Bey for a second there was a angry expression written on her face and I knew that I fucked up.

Trying to recant it was too late the bell had already rung and it was time for lunch and she was the first one to leave the classroom.

Beyonce walked to find kelly and ber friend jhene do they could link up for lunch.

"Oh no who do I have to kill?" -Kelly asked

"Every one in this fucking school." -Beyonce growled

"Not em though right?" -jhene asked on a hopeful tone with a small smile

"Ofc not." -Beyonce said mirroring jhene

Kelly looked in between the two and just decided to mind her business

The 3 of them started walking together and passed the table that Onika and her crew were at and she got extra close to Jhene just because.

Earning a scoff that escaped Cardi's mouth.

Cardi was trying to observe but the way rihanna was sitting and the opposition of the table it was making it hard.

"Hey megamind would you mind taking your forehead off so I can see?" -Cardi

"Stfu with your ole ghetto ass why you all up  people in people's busin ed as fa anyway?" -Rih

"Cause I can be now move." -She said as she looked closer in between Bey's and jhene's discussion.

Onika rolled her eyes and sighs it was hard enough seeing Bey everyday and Cardi didnt make it any better.

Honestly she was over all of it. Yeah being in other people's faces Was cool but genuinely thinking your supposed to be with someone makes it all seem pointless.

Keyshia eventually made her way over to their table even though she was asked to leave every single day.

"Hey daddy" -She said while sitting down touching Bey's bracelets

Onika rolled her eyes and started tapping her leg at 135 mph

"Not she touching all over my girl."

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that before you listen?" -Beyonce

"I'll listen to whatever you say." -Keyshia said added on with a flirtatious giggle

She scoffed and moved away from her continuing her situation but that didnt stop her or shut her up.

As Lunch ended Keyshia was following and still picking with Beyonce up until she got to her locker.

"Will you leave me tf alone?!" -Beyonce shouts bringing attention to herself

"Daddy why are you so angry?" -keyshia asked in an innocent tone

"Stop fucking calling me that!" -Beyonce screams

It turned into a screaming match and all eyes were on them.

Many people were screaming and stuff egging it on even more.

"Yeah that's right bae tell her!" -Cardi added in

Until it got physical.

Keyshia pushed her then they actually got to fighting.

Onika was screaming at Bey to stop but she wasnt. Beyonce was 10x stronger than the girl and threw pretty hard jabs.

Teachers were starting to emerge so Onika pulled Beyonce arm as hard as she could and dragged her out of that hallway.

Onika kept repeating her name but it wasnt working she just kept her fist balled up walking back in forth trying not to punch what was in her line of vision.

So Nicki decided to go with a different approach. She grabbed her face and and looked straight into her eyes

"Baby what's wrong what happened?" -Onika asked in a soft tone

Beyonce completely stopped and tears were threatening to fall.

Onika hugged her tight immediately

"She wouldn't stop just like he wouldnt." -Bey sniffles

"I told her plenty of times to leave me alone but she wouldnt I didn't mean to go off like that but she wouldnt leave me aloneeee." -Bey whines out

"Its okay baby." -Onika says as she runs her back in circular motions rocking side to side

Beyonce paused and looked into Onika's eyes.

"Nika?" -Bey

"Yes BB?" -Nick

"I dont want no other girls none of these hoes. Babe I only truly want you." -Beyonce says with tears streaming down her face

"And you got me baby I'm only yours and your mine." -Nicki says as she pulled her into a hug

They both smiled and held onto each other tighter

"All mine." -Beyonce whispered

Mrs. Henson had barged in to intervene and see what was happening But once she seen the sight before her eyes she knew onika had handled it so she was content and walked away.

Lowkey could end it right here and this could be the end...

Sorry for any mistakes

Anyway it's been a long time guysss wsp?

I think I'm back idrk but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

See ya next timeee

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