Chapter 1

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"Adrian, hurry, you're going to be late for the train!"

"Mum, I'm coming!" Adrian shouted back, "One second"

"You said one second five minutes ago" his mother called

"Yeah. I did take a second. Just more than I intended" He said, standing up and running down the stairs.

His mother was standing at the door, a hand on her hip, "Took your time"

"I thought you said we'd be late" Adrian smirked, "So are you going to let me go or not?"

His mother shook her head and laughed to herself, "Come on" she said, stepping aside and letting Adrian get his trunk, "We better hurry"

Adrian's father was working as a medi-wizard and his brother was traveling. So it was only the two of them that day.

When they got to the station, Adrian went straight to the platform, his mother trailing behind him. He looked over his shoulder and his mum nodded at him, "Have a good year" she told him. They stood out from everyone else, their clothes being the biggest giveaway.Wizarding robes and muggle attire, really didn't blend together well.

"I will! Mum, I love you"

"Love you too"

He turned back to the wall between platforms nine and ten, looked around once before striding straight towards it.

When he got to the other side he was told to move on and he started to walk towards the red steam engine

The platform was full of students and parents. Trunks littered the ground and cages of different pets stood beside their owners. He used to have an owl but unfortunately she passed away, last school year

The excited chatter made the platform loud and anything else that had to be said had to be shouted instead.

A group of people whom he recognized as the Hufflepuff quidditch team walked by him, Cedric Diggory and his best friend, though she was a year younger, Tara Tonks, at his side. They were led by their quiditch captain Anthony Preece, chaser.

Adrian had never spoken to them, he never crossed their paths. They were too cool for him anyway.

He looked around for his friends, they were nowhere in sight. He stayed still for a moment before moving on, looking around as he did.

Since he was paying such little attention to his surroundings, he was caught by surprise when someone walked into him.

He stopped and looked ahead of him. Nobody was there, that's when he looked down. A girl with black hair and muggle clothes was sat at his feet.

"I am so sorry" Adrian appologised, bending down to help her up, "I wasn't looking and-"

"It's alright" the girl said. She looked up, it was Tara Tonks.

Adrian was taken aback. She had an unspoken kindness to her and the way she was smiling at him made him feel nervous, in a good way. Her eyes were kind and soft and her expression was anything but angry or annoyed

"I wasn't  looking either" Tara said, taking his hand as he pulled her up.

Adrian swallowed and cleared his throat, "Um-It's my fault" he said, standing up, pulling her up with him.

Tara let go of his hand, "I'm sorry" she said, looking at him guiltily, "I hope I didn't hurt you"

"Not at all" he said, slightly breathless

"Well, I should get going" Tara said before waving over his shoulder to someone.

Tara went to go but Adrian spoke, making her stop, since she didn't want to be impolite, "I'm Adrian" he told her, "Adrian smith" he held a hand out, "You already shook my hand..." he said, putting his hand down, slowly

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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