Dear diary, ... (4. July 2015)

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When doctor told me to start writing a diary, i didn't know it will be this hard, you know, put emotions on paper. But here they are, my emotions. People think I'm always happy, bc I'm always smiling, but i'm not. In fact im really sad. Maybe not in front of everybodie but when i'm alone i feel empty, like parto of me is missing. I can understan Zayn and his decision to leave. I didn't know how much i miss my family untill i didn't came back home. Don't get me wrong i would never leav other boys, but when im on tour, gettinn ready for a bed I miss my family. I miss kissing them good night, I miss late night snaks with my dad and advices from my mum. But what i miss most is having normal relationship. Just two of us. No press, no menagment, no stupid interviews and explaining why i date her, no hate. Today i saw pictur and it said niall as a parent and there is duck who lost her kids, i know it's joke but still hurt that people think i can't be good parent. That is why i go golf all the time. I need to take everything out and smile. And for the end i have to say how happy i am becouse i spend so much time with my family now. And i know everything i'm doing i do for them. So they can be happy and proud of ther son.

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