Earth OG14: The Start

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Geneva, Switzerland

"Sir, you have to see this immediately." sabi ng isang employee.

Pagkasabi ng employee noon, dali-dali silang tumakbo sa kabilang facility. Pagdating nila roon, maraming mga tao ang naghihiyawan at umiiyak. Dumiretso naman agad ang dalawa sa observation deck para mapag-alam ang dahilan kung bakit ganito ang nangyayari.

"Elijah finally you're here! You've gotta see this!" sabi ng isa sa mga kasamahan niya.

Dahan-dahang pumunta si Elijah sa gitna ng observation deck at hindi niya maiwasaang maluha tulad ng kanyang mga kasamahan. Ilang segundo siyang nakatayo lamang at hindi makapaniwala sa kanyang nakikita.

For how many years of research, failures, small success, and billions of dollars, finally it was there right before them. The start button of the new beginning to come. The Musk-Blossom Particle.

"YES BOYSSSSS! WAHHHH! THANK YOU, OH WHAT A SUCCESS!" sigaw ni Elijah na abot langit.

Metro Manila, Philippines

Habang nasa dressing room, napag-isipan ni Karylle na mag-scroll through sa mga news articles. While scrolling, may isang article na nakakuha ng attention niya. Leo Musk and Elijah Blossom Discovers New Breakthrough Particle.

"Wait diba si Eli 'to?" bulong ni Karylle sa sarili.

Si Elijah Blossom o Eli ay ang best friend ni Karylle noong nasa kindergarten pa lamang siya. Kahit man matagal na hindi naninirahan si Eli sa Pilipinas, he and Karylle had still been close with each other and had bonded together whenever Karylle was in Europe.

Dahil nalaman ni Karylle na mayroon palang na diskubre na particle si Eli, sobra siyang nasayahan para sa kaibigan kaya agad-agad niyang tinawagan si Eli.

"Hello. This is Elijah Blossom on the line."

"Eliiiiiiii! Congratulationssssss!"

"Thank you. Wait. Who is this, Karylle?"

"Of course, this is you're BFF Karylle! Eli I'm super duper happy for you! I just saw the article, you discovered something so great pala."

"Awww, thanks Karylle! It isn't just great K, it's the greatest discovery I've ever had and maybe will ever have!"

"And with that, you surely deserve a Nobel Prize! It has finally come true Eli!"

"It really did, and thank you for the support"

"What? What support are you even talking about?"

"C'mon K, of course you did support me. Haven't you remembered when we were kids? That Stephen Hawking book you gave me was the one that inspired me. If not for you, I may not even achieve any of this."

Karylle tried to recall the Stephen Hawking book she gave him. Oo nga pala, it was her bon voyage gift for him nung nanirahan na si Eli sa Europe for good.

"And with that, I am inviting you to come here in Switzerland to personally see my discovery. Well, our discovery 'cause Leo and I discovered it." Elijah added.

"Are you serious Eli? You are inviting me to go there?" surprised na tanong ni K.

"Yes I am indeed inviting you to come here and as soon as possible also. I'm going to be busy in a few weeks time so it's better that you come here ASAP so I can give you the tour myself."

"Eli, I'll check my schedule first then I'll update you when I can go there. Is that ok?"

"It is, yes. Call me again for updates on that. I need to go Karylle. Thanks again!"

"Thank you as well!" Karylle ended the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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